A Star Is Born

Sweet Home Chicago:


mastercynic said…
Well, he's no Magic Sam...
Dave Dubya said…
You can't fool Republicans. That's Obama's "gangsta rap" they warned us about.

That was a fun session. I watched it all last night.

And I flashed back over thirty years when I passed a bottle of VSOP, and something kinder, around in a circle with Mr. Buddy Guy and Junior Wells.

I thanked Buddy for the guitar lesson I learned that night. Use the volume knob. Bring it down in order to highlight the changes in dynamics.
Anonymous said…
Nice job, Mr. President. A little shaky on the lyrics, but even I can't recite the lyrics off the top of my head after listening to the song hundreds of times.

- Alex
Green Eagle said…
And my man, Buddy Guy bullied him into it. I think, after the election, he should appoint Buddy Guy to be his chief of staff.
Poll P. said…
The Pres ought to do the whole song and sell it on iTunes for $.99 as a fundraiser.
Green Eagle said…
Well, only if he can have the same backup band.
Anonymous said…
Obama Zombies
Green Eagle said…
Buster, you are just lucky that you don't have a chance to call BB and Buddy zombies in front of me, unless you relish the idea of having a 1974 Les Paul Custom shoved down your throat.

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