Santorum Is Not a Straw Man

Here's a poll that reinforces something I have been saying since I had a chance to see Rick Santorum in action a couple of weeks ago:

As ludicrous as it seems to sane people, Santorum, despite being somewhere to the right of Hermann Goering, has the ability to appeal to "independent" voters far more than Romney does.  Given the press' inevitable refusal to cover the insane inadequacy of Republican candidates, this guy, who is a master of the "aw shucks, I'm just like you all" style of politics, would be a far more formidable opponent for Obama than the marginally sane but patently hollow Romney.

It has long been obvious that the so-called independents are the most ignorant and apathetic of all voters; I am now of the belief that the main thing that characterizes them is a stress level that is just short of going nuclear, so they will inevitably side with whichever candidate they feel more comfortable with.  Of course, this is not the real candidates- who could have really been comfortable drinking a beer with the smirking oaf George W. Bush?  It's the mirage of these candidates, projected primarily by whoever has the most money (hint- that would be the Republicans.)  No one in the mainstream press is going to show any real interest in the delusions that make up Santorum's core principles.  He would get a free ride, just like Bush, while the press continues its three year long refusal to recognize that Obama saved the country from a Republican depression and set us back on the road to recovery.  And thus, we could end up with a President who makes even Bush look good in comparison.  Well, honestly, no one could do that, but you get what I mean.


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