One Percent? Don't Make Me Laugh

Here's a statistic we won't be hearing discussed in the mainstream press:

"196 individual donors...have provided nearly 80% of the money raised by super PACs in 2011 by giving $100,000 or more each."

The one percent versus the 99 percent?  These 196 people represent less than one hundred thousandth of one percent of the American populace.  This is who really controls our political discourse in the time of Citizens United, and here we see the real constituency of the Republican party.   The interests and the welfare of the entire populace of the United States are being savaged to serve the interests of these 196 people and a few hundred more like them.  This is oligarchy on a scale only imagined by Francisco Franco or Juan Peron.  This sort of thing makes a mockery of the notion that there is any sort of real democracy in this country, and tolerating it is a ticket to third world status on the level of Nigeria, Pakistan, or any other impoverished hellhole that has ever existed. 

Even the vast majority of those who congratulate themselves on being in the 1%, and who think the government works for them, are just on the better off end of the mountain of dupes waiting to be sacrificed to the unbelievable avarice of these few hundred evil people, and the party which is solely dedicated to advancing their campaign to absorb every scrap of wealth in the country.


Anonymous said…
Does the statistic exclude corporate donations? Or does it count corporations as "individuals"?
Grung_e_Gene said…
Even the vast majority of those who congratulate themselves on being in the 1%, and who think the government works for them, are just on the better off end of the mountain of dupes waiting to be sacrificed to the unbelievable avarice

POW! Green Eagle you nailed it again! If an American isn't living in Vulture Romney Country they are just another sacrifice waiting to happen!

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