More Lying Republican Revisionism- Santorum Style

Rick Santorum today:

"And America sat from 1940 when France fell to December of '41 and did almost nothing," he explained. "Why? Because we're a hopeful people. We think, 'You know it will get better."

Why, you lying dick?  The real reason was this:  Roosevelt spent years doing everything he could to support the British and other enemies of the Nazis (for one example, check out the lend-lease act ,) but he was obstructed every step of the way by the Republican party, which did everything it could to prevent any American action against Nazi Germany.  That's the truth, buster.  Try it some time.

Do I even need to tell you that the whole reason that Santorum told this lie today is so he could compare Obama to Hitler?  And yet scum like this are presented by the Washington pundits as fully qualified to replace Obama in the White House.  What a world.


Mugsy said…
I had forgotten about the "Lend-Lease Act" (heard of it, but wasn't up on the details).

Thanks for posting this. It has been added to my growing folder of "Republicans suck at history" bookmarks.
Anonymous said…
Hi there,
Republicans don't suck at history, they just replace facts by stuff they feel would better suit their own needs. And then they go and cut education, to make sure that people don't learn about history.
bruce said…
"Republicans suck at history" they not only suck… but they are really good at propaganda… why, because they assume that most of us don't know their history and are fully aware of the power of telling lies or shaping history to their own agenda…which is elitist, very nazi and communist like in its own right. But they do have their followers don't they?
Anonymous said…
As a Canadian whose gradparents took part in the 2nd World War, we remember the lend lease act (50 destroyers in return for bases in British holdings) and thank you. It helped provide much needed coverage for the convoys of troops and supplies crossing the Atlantic under threat of German submarines and surface raiders.

It's sad your Republican presidential candidate does not know this but Canadians and British know it and thank you.
Anonymous said…
Let us not forget that legislation to begin the first PEACETIME draft in US history was introduced two days before the fall of France in 1940 and was signed into law three months later. The USA did NOT sit around hoping for the best, we began preparing for the worst!!
Green Eagle said…
Some nice comments there. Yeah, Republicans suck at history, but they're great at lying.
Surazeus said…
And Republicans were obstructing Roosevelt's attempt to enter the war because people like Prescott Bush were financing Hitler's rise to power and war machine.
Carl Gordon said…
Yeah, not only due repugs suck, their followers swallow!
Anonymous said…
I've noticed a trend: whenever anyone wants to clobber someone else, they talk about how that someone didn't stand up to Hitler. The British were 'appeasers,' the French were 'collaborators,' the Russians, signed a non-agression pact, etc. What everyone forgets is that we had just finished a World War. NO ONE wanted to fight. Period. Including us. History is a Rorschach test: you see what you want and ignore what you don't.
Anonymous said…
When Pearl Harbor was bombed, my father was in Alaska as part of the Arkansas National Guard waiting for an expected invasion of Alaska.

My step-father, a draftee, was on a troopship to re-enforce the Philippines American run army.

An uncle was in the American occupation of Iceland when Denmark was overrun and was still in Iceland.

Another uncle, civilian, was in China working as The Flying Tigers chief diesel mechanic.

None of them felt like Roosevelt was doing nothing.
Green Eagle said…

Your comment about World War I and its effect on peoples' willingness to get into another war is a very important one, and one which is too often neglected when people consider the actions of England, France and other countries in the years before World War I. These people had just seen an entire generation destroyed and they were deathly afraid of more war.

Interestingly,the same was largely true in Germany too. In contrast to reports of mass enthusiasm bordering on hysteria in Germany at the outbreak of World War I, we have the eyewitness testimony of William Shirer and others of the deep depression and foreboding they witnessed in Germany at the beginning of World War II.
Mavelier said…
I think, too, that it was almost impossible to conceive the nature of the true evil that was rising at the time.
Anonymous said…
yeah I bet Obama knew all about this too,hahahahaha
Green Eagle said…

Anonymous, that's just pathetic.

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