A Conservative Speaks Out

Here is a perfect sample of the mindless hatred that underlies so much of right wing cant.  It features a highly regarded conservative figure, Andrew Breitbart, having some sort of bizarre fit when confronted with protestors at a Conservative convention:

Try to watch the whole minute and a half of it.  It wonderfully captures both the irrationality and the barely hidden violence that drive so many right wingers.


Anonymous said…
Yikes! Take him to the loony bin. Put him in the sociopath ward.
Grung_e_Gene said…
With such Disorderly Conduct and refusal to obey the lawful orders of the Police trying to escort him away I just want to know why he wasn't full-faced pepper sprayed and dragged away?
Green Eagle said…
Maybe he had a get out of jail free card.
Magpie said…
It is a very confronting thing, isn’t it?, to have someone hate you, recklessly, utterly, mercilessly, and in the belief that you are responsible for their hate, and totally deserving of it.

I have to feel for all those people in all those times and places where the hater was not a man but many men, with clubs and guns, and a plan, and there was no one to stand up for them. Can you imagine the terror of that?

You’re absolutely correct. This is the naked face of the extreme American Right – identical in most respects to the far Right of any part of the Western world, since before - and including - Hitler’s thugs.
And yet… how hard is it to make others, less interested, understand the threat?
Dave Dubya said…
His is truly the face of Amerikan fascism.
Anonymous said…
It's obvious he was purposely doing that to show how mindless the collective left is. Man the left can't even tell when they are taken for a ride. Pretty funny actually.
Breibart was actually mocking them because tea' what they sound like with their repetitive mindless chants.
Anonymous said…
Don't forget you script you Jim Jones follower

Anonymous said…
More from the Wicked Witch of the West


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