Bad Graphics

I work in the movie and TV business, in production.  In a typical TV show, there could be as many as 50 or 60 instances of graphics, many of which are only seen for a second or two.  We would never even consider anything like this, nor would the graphic artists I work with ever suggest something so pathetic:
One more pathetic move from a pathetic campaign.

Thanks a lot, mainstream press for seeing to it that this farce is doing so well.


Okay, okay.  Green Eagle feels that he has been challenged to come up with a Trump-Pence logo that is of equal quality to the official one.  So here it is, and I hope you appreciate that it took me close to ten minutes to create it.
And really, it's a little more honest, too.


And it's now Saturday, and I just read that the logo has been scrubbed from the Trump campaign site.  Another great moment in professionalism by the Trump campaign.


joseph said…
I absolutely defer to your wisdom, but for those of us artistically challenged, could you explain why?
Jono said…
I've got TP next to the toilet where it belongs.
Jerry Critter said…
Looks like the T and the P are having sex. Perhaps the P is giving the T a blow job.
Green Eagle said…
The thing is ill-proportioned, it seems to have no dynamic sense to it or feeling of unity, and in the end, is the result of what I would guess to be about five minutes thinking. It's the logo of a loser.
ez said…
" It's the logo of a loser."

That's what makes it perfect.
Green Eagle said…
As I mentioned in an update to my post (I hardly expect anyone to check it for new material) the Trump campaign has already scrubbed this logo from their campaign material. One more sign, if a minor one, of what an incompetent Trump would be at actually running anything.

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