Trump and the Indians

I want to recommend a very good article in today's Los Angeles Times, about Donald Trump's behavior toward one minority group, native Americans.  Here is a small excerpt, but it is worth reading in its entirety:

“When I have to sit here and listen to people saying that everything is just peachy-dory, it is not, folks. It is going to blow,” Trump warned. There was no way, he said, that “an Indian chief is going to tell ‘Joey Killer’ to please get off his reservation.”

He also accused a federally recognized tribe, the Mashantucket Pequots, of being fakes.

“They don’t look like Indians to me,” he declared...

Donald Trump testifies about casinos, Native Americans and the mob on Oct. 5, 1993, in front of the House Native American Affairs Subcommittee.

The hearing previewed a style, tone and vocabulary that have become familiar in Trump’s improbable political rise. Racially and culturally loaded rhetoric has been Trump’s constant weapon this election, from kick-starting his campaign by labeling Mexican immigrants as drug-carrying rapists, to citing an Indiana-born judge’s Mexican heritage to attack his fairness, or repeating his call this week to ban Muslims from entering the country as an answer to terrorism." 

There's lots more, and it draws a picture of a very despicable human being.  I guess most of us know that already, but we need to be fortified against the billions that are about to be spent convincing us otherwise.


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