Wingnut Wrapup

Some diversions from the right, while we wait to see if half a billion dollars in propaganda funds from the rich is enough to persuade American voters to send our country to the garbage heap:

David Limbaugh, Town Hall: "GOP Pledge Is a Step in the Right Direction"

A step to oblivion?

Moe Lane, Red State:  "Gov Manchin (D CAND, WV-SEN) values real estate values over miners’ lives."

"Manchin - which much fanfare, and after a major mine disaster - pushed through an executive order mandating the increased use of crushed limestone (or ‘rock dust’)...Despite this executive order, there have been no investigations since its passing to indicate whether the new rules on rock dust have been enforced.  This is because...The lab is not yet ready."

Of course, he didn't appoint the CFO of the mining company with the worst safety record in America to be head of the Mine Safety administration, like Bush and Cheney did.  Now, you can imagine how many mine safety investigations a Republican governor would have had, and believe me, it wouldn't be because the lab is not yet ready.

Mona Charen, Town Hall:  "if the account in Bob Woodward's new book, "Obama's Wars," is correct, the president is asking all of our soldiers to fight for a war he is frantic to "exit...No wonder the president returned the bust of Winston Churchill"

Because Winston Churchill was not "frantic to exit"  World War II.  No, of course not.  He wanted it to go on as long as possible, right?

After all, he was a conservative.

David Limbaugh, Town Hall:  "With their pledge, Republicans are reclaiming their commitment to the idea that Americans, unshackled by an oppressive government, are what made America great"

No, as far as I can tell, with their pledge, Republicans are reclaiming their commitment to give the whole country away to the rich.  David continues:

"The pledge will make it easier for voters to see the great differences in their electoral choices in November."

God, I hope so.  That would be a great thing, wouldn't it?

Diana West, Town Hall:  "No Rapport With Afghan Leaders? Good. America will truly be in trouble when our best young people actually relate to the dominant members of Afghanistan's violent, misogynistic, pederasty-prone, polygamous, tribal, Islamically supremacist and corrupt culture."

Afghan Leaders hand picked by Bush.  Diana forgot to mention that.

Raymond Ibrahim, Pajamas Media:  "The Ultimate Lesson of Egypt’s Fake Photo...Al Ahram’s doctored photo of Mubarak at the White House is a reminder that the Islamic world is in need of a cultural, as opposed to merely a religious, reformation."

Ah yes.  It's okay to condemn a billion and a half people because someone got carried away with Photoshop.  By that reasoning, Green Eagle is personally responsible for the total destruction of Western culture.

Dick Morris:  "Democrats have no strategy...none"

God, It hurts me to admit this, but Dick Morris told the truth for once.  Just an accident, I guess.

World Net Daily Exlusive:  "FAITH UNDER FIRE...Seattle church invites Muslims to dinner"

How Dare They invite Muslims to DINNER!  Why, they are nothing but collaborators in Jihad themselves.  And they call themselves Christians.

Meghan McArdle, The Atlantic:  "Who but a lunatic would loan money to an eighteen year old with no job and no credit record, in the hopes that they will graduate college and begin speedy repayment?"

Oh I don't know, maybe a government that wanted to have an eductated populace, capable of thriving in today's world, rather than a country of barely surviving peons, with no choice but to do the bidding of whatever rich person can get his hands on them?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Obama Justice Department Accused of Racial Prejudice; Dismissed  (New Black Panther) Case Due to Pressure From NAACP"

This claim, which has appeared literally hundreds of times in the right wing media in the last several months, would really have a lot more credibility if it weren't for the fact (totally ignored by the right) that the case was dismissed by the Bush justice department.  Don't you think so?  Funny what a little truth can do to change your perspective on a story.

Matt C. Abbot, Renew America:  "Is the Vatican Bank morally bankrupt?"

What, are they having sex with teenage boys too?

David A. Patten, Newsmax:  "Palin: Why No Probe of Barack 'Hussein' Obama?"

Why the quotation marks around the name Hussein, David?  Trying to tell us something?  Like John 'Fitzgerald' Kennedy, or maybe Ronald 'Wilson' Reagan?

Kevin Price, Renew America:  "Was the Civil War about government expansion?"

No, Kevin.  It was about slavery.  Remember now?


Muslims are horrible, subhuman criminals, so the appropriate response is for us to be just like them.  Good reasoning there, astute ones.

Noel Sheppard, Newsbusters:  "Andrew Breitbart Nails Bill Maher: You're Not a Libertarian, You're a Socialist"

Ooh, I bet that hurt.

And it has been a long time since we looked in on our old friend, Henry Makow.  What does he have to say these days?

"Hungarians Find Glamorous Anti-Zionist Leader...Krisztina Morvai is among the very few politicians in Europe who dares to criticize Zionism.  Last year she was herself much criticized by the Hungarian Jewish organization which is a fanatic supporter of Zionism  because she happened to post this message to them on an online forum:

"I would be greatly pleased if those who call themselves proud Hungarian Jews played in their leisure with their tiny circumcised dicks, instead of besmirching me. Your kind of people are used to seeing all of our kind of people stand to attention and adjust to you every time you fart. Would you kindly acknowledge this is now OVER. We have raised our head up high and we shall no longer tolerate your kind of terror. We shall take back our country." 

Krisztina, I think you have already taken back your country:  "By the end of the war in Hungary on April 4, 1945, from an original population of almost 900,000 people considered Jewish inside the borders of 1941-44, about 255,000 survived...Winston Churchill, 1944:  "There is no doubt that this persecution of Jews in Hungary and their expulsion from enemy territory is probably the greatest and most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world...."  

Mr. Makow sums up his feelings for this brave woman:

"I trust her for all she has said and done in accordance with Christ`s teachings."

Right.  Christ's teachings.  I would really like someone to point out to me just where in Christ's teachings this sort of thing is.  I'm not all that familiar with every part of the bible, but I don't remember Jesus making fun of the size of people's penises.  I'm sure I just missed it.  By the way, Krisztina, you apparently have a particular familiarity with Jewish penises.  I wonder how that came to be.

Man, those oversensitive Jews, screaming antisemitism every time someone makes a minor, well thought out criticism of them like this.

Enough.  See you soon.  Unfortunately.


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