The Idiocy Slouches On

I'm getting so bored with the news being virtually the same every day- Obama and the Democrats trying, however lamely, to do something to help the country out of a disaster created entirely by Republican economic cant, and the Republicans resorting to every lie, smear and any other dirty tactic they can dredge up, to serve the rich at the expense of the other 99.9 percent of us.  Only the names and the lies change from day to day.  Well, I can't be bothered to put this stuff in separate posts, but here is today's load:

From an article by Justin Elliot at Salon:

"Billionaires give 91% of funds for Rove-tied group

New FEC filings show that American Crossroads, the Karl Rove-backed group that is pouring money into attack ads targeting Democrats around the country, continues to be funded virtually entirely by billionaires.  In August, American Crossroads raised $2,639,052.  Fully $2.4 million of that -- or 91 percent --  came in the form of gifts from just three billionaires."

Man of the people- Karl Rove.  Just in case you still wondered who the Republicans are working for.

 From the Huffington Post:

"An extensive review of GOP campaign literature, floor speeches and public statements reveals that Republican candidates and officeholders routinely use GOP talking points verbatim in their speeches and campaign literature, while passing off the language as their own personal views.

A search for Democratic violations turned up far fewer instances. But if Democrats show less of a penchant for blatant copying, it may reflect their traditional unwillingness to follow the party line more than any higher ethical standards."

Well, I guess we don't need Arianna Huffington to tell us that the Republican party does nothing but spout canned lies.  This is an example of why I generally ignore the supposedly liberal Huffington Post.  Democrats don't really resort to this sort of disgraceful behavior, but apparently it couldn't possibly be because they have higher ethical standards.  No, they're liars and crooks just like the Republicans, just not as good at it.

Now, here's a finding that will undoubtedly be totally ignored, from the WSJ:

"But a Quinnipiac University poll this year showed nearly two-thirds of those with household incomes of more than $250,000 a year support raising their own taxes to reduce the federal deficit."

Not the hedge fund billionaires, of course, and not the Koch brothers- no amount of money is enough for them.  Alittle more evidence (as if we need any) about who is really important to the Republicans.

And just to leave you with a pertinent fact:

"A 15 percent “wealth tax” on all personal assets over $1 billion would this year raise $145.5 billion, more than enough to cover the entire $140 billion budget shortfall America’s 50 states are facing in the current fiscal year."

The truth remains: if we don't strip these people of a large part of their wealth, they are going to destroy all of the rest of us.  This is not a matter of fairness, it is a matter of survival.


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