The Simple Answer

So, here is the latest from John Boehner:

“As the American people, facing near double-digit unemployment, mark Labor Day by asking, where are the jobs, the White House has chosen to double-down on more of the same failed ‘stimulus’ spending"

This is a total lie, which Boehner and the Republicans can tell over and over again, because there is apparently not a single Democratic leader who is willing to tell the truth that the Stimulus created and saved millions of jobs which were lost almost entirely due to Republican pandering to multinational corporations; the stimulus almost definitely saved us from a depression. And yet these Democratic leaders are so petrified of Republican temper tantrums when the truth is spoken, that they stand silent and let these filthy corrupt anti-Americans maul them time after time.

All the Democratic party has needed to do the past thirty years to put this country back on the right track is to stand and tell the truth. Repeat it over and over again, in unison, the way the Republicans do with their lies. And here are a couple of places to start:

Republican management of the economy to benefit only the richest people in the world is totally responsible for our current economic disaster, as it was for the great depression. Democrats, now as then, are taking the actions needed to correct the problem, but it is going to be a long task indeed, with Republicans obstruction progress at every step of the way, because regaining the power they squandered is more important to them than the welfare of the American People.

The Iraq war was one of the greatest military blunders in recorded human history, created, planned and operated by Republicans, who showed once and for all how ludicrous it is to think that they are the ones who should be entrusted with protecting our country. The "surge" was a gigantic charade that did nothing but prolong our useless involvement in a war we should have never started, and put off the day that the government would try to deal with Afghanistan, until our situation there is now hopeless.

While spreading the most malicious lies every day about Democrats' supposed affinity for terrorists, it was Republican administrations that cozied up to Saddam, the Saudi dictators (whose citizens carried out the 9-11 attacks) and even the miserable Pakistani government, which supported the Taliban every step of the way. It is Republicans that have enabled terrorists throughout the mideast.

Republican breaks and tax cuts for the rich have nearly bankrupted all of the rest of us, and are a major component in creating the bubbles of the Bush Administration.

You know I could go on all day here. The entire supposed world view of conservatives is a malignant fantasy, and until the Democrats make an effort to let people know that, they are sunk. So here is my remedy:

Tell The God Damned Truth Already

That's it. And that's all it will take. If it ever happens.


I find that Democrats are too skittish about public opinion and are there unwilling to do what it takes to craft pragmatic legislation...Republicans are very motivated, but too self-righteous (as deceptive)
magpie said…
'Simply' put...
The Democrats look for the best in people, and a consequence of that is wanting to win people over (and there are some people you just can't reach...).
The Republicans assume the worst of people, and try to build on that. Making them worse if need be.

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