Wingnut Wrapup

Let's just jump right in with the colossal delusion of the day:

Randall Hoven, American Thinker: "The good old days were those when fiscal year budgets were written and passed by a majority-Republican House and Senate and signed by Republican President George W. Bush."

I guess those would be the spectacular Republican style balanced budgets that took the horrid deficits of the Clinton era, and turned over to the next Democratic president a healthy budget surplus and a strong economy. Oh, wait a minute...

Ann Coulter, Town Hall: "Gen. Petraeus objected to the Quran-burning protest on the grounds that it could be used by radical jihadists to recruit Muslims to attack Americans. If the general's main objective is to hamper jihadist recruiting, may I respectfully suggest unconditional surrender?"

Petraeus- unassailable hero to craven coward in one sentence. Life moves so fast these days.

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Town Hall: "An Epic Dem Disaster"

Hooray! I'm so relieved! The Democrats are going to win HUGE in November! How do I know that? Because whenever Dick Morris predicts anything, the exact opposite happens.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Obama says Koran Burning is Recruitment Bonanza for Al Qaida: I Think This Means The Terrorists Have Won"

Of course they have, Erick. The terrorists win whenever someone tells the truth. I've been reading right wing blogs too long not to have figured that out.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Good Grief… Looney Left Is Turning to SEIU Socialist Andy Stern For Advice on Creating Jobs"

Man, this is lunacy. Turning to one of the top labor leaders in the country for advice on creating jobs- how could they be so stupid? Instead, they should ask our nation's business leaders. They're the real experts on creating jobs- in China.

Armand C. Hale, Renew America: "just what is so "Un-American" about burning the Quran?"

Let me try to explain it to you,, on second thought, why bother. You'll never get it.

World Net Daily: "Conservative recruiters get frog-marched off campus"

Too bad they couldn't have pig-marched them off campus. That would have been more appropriate.

Grace-Marie Turner, World Net Daily: "Obamacare's 'rosy predictions' not materializing"

Maybe that's because most of Obamacare hasn't gone into effect yet. Do you think that might be the explanation? Funny, you forgot to bring that fact up in your attacks.

National Review Online: "Whoa: Obama Has Lost Joey Lawrence Which member of the cast of Blossom will be next?"

Oh my God, Oh my God! They've lost...who? From what? Man, they'll never recover now. This is it for Obama. Thanks for keeping your eyes on the important news, NRO.

Alan Caruba, Renew America: "They destroyed my towers! They were my towers and your towers."

No, Alan, they actually belonged to a company called Silverstein Properties. When you claim that the towers belonged to all of us, that has a name: Communism. Deal with it.

Chris Adamo, Renew America: "Had the September 11 terrorist attacks on America occurred during a saner time, the receptiveness of this country towards any tenets of Islam would have been seriously undercut both in the immediate aftermath of the catastrophe, and for at least as long as those who witnessed the event were alive to recall it."

Saner; i.e. more filled with hatred. Conservative thinking at its finest.

Larry Klayman, World Net Daily: "Obama to blame for backlash against U.S. Muslims"

Of course he is, Larry. He's to blame for everything.

"Despite Obama's early claims that his is a Christian, the American people are not stupid."

Yes they are.

"Couple this with his far-left socialist views and agenda, and Obama is well on his way, following 16 years of bankrupt rule by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, to totally destroying the political, social and economic fabric of the nation."

Bankrupt? Bill Clinton? Larry, he's the one who left us with a budget surplus and no failed wars. Remember now?

World Net Daily: "FROM JOSEPH FARAH'S G2 BULLETIN...Exclusive...U.S. silent as China expands influence"

Can't Obama at least throw a little tantrum? That's how Republicans handle things like this.



Thomas Lifson, American Thinker: "Where did Barack Obama acquire the self-evident disdain he has for major corporations, especially oil companies?"

Maybe from watching what they do? That's where I got my disdain, anyway.

Frank Burke, American Thinker: "The Student Loan Takeover...The unilateral seizure of the student loan program by the Obama administration carries extremely serious implications for the future of higher education in America."

Yes, it carries the serious implication that student loans are about helping kids get an education, not about making more money for banks. That's a bad thing for Republicans, I guess.

Avik Roy, National Review Online: "A Healthy Tax Increase...Behold, the rarest of creatures: a $300 billion tax increase conservatives should rally behind"

And what would that be? Eliminating the ability of companies to deduct employee health insurance as a business expense. Yes indeed- the only tax increase conservatives should support- one that kicks tens of millions of workers out of their health insurance plans. That's a great idea, right? Man, the greed and cynicism of these people knows no bounds.

But luckily for us all, Wingnut Wrapup does know bounds, and we just reached it. Bye.


Shaw Kenawe said…

Actually, Dianetics by LRon is considered the book on which Scientology was founded--and which cult was given a tax-free status by the IRS because it claimed it was a "religion," [and because Scientology gave a "donation" of $16 to the US Govt.]

Dianetics=Holy Book
Green Eagle said…
May I make my position on Scientology clear?

I am a lifelong student of pseudoscience and cult behavior. I first read Dianetics, and attended my first Scientology meetings (before they threatened me and I had to stop) around 1967 or so.

In order to be a religion, or even a cult, in my opinion, it is necessary for the leaders of the organization to believe in what they are promoting. This was the case for the likes of David Koresh, and even Charlie Manson, but it was never so for Hubbard, who wrote Dianetics essentially as a joke, nor for Scientology's later leaders.

This means that, as far as I am concerned, Scientology is not a religion, but a criminal conspiracy, designed for the sole purpose of extorting money from the suckers who are so foolish as to buy into its nonsense.

It has always distressed me that the government has been unable to distinguish between religions, which exist to promote beliefs, however outlandish, and this sort of thing, thus, in essence, making all of us partners in its criminality.

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