Wingnut Wrapup
Well, you didn't think that I was going to ignore them forever, did you?
First, a couple of more examples of a phenomenon which I think I was the first person to notice- the systematic Republican plan to accuse Obama of things, because they were actually defects of Bush, in an effort to argue away their hero's abject failure:
American Right: "The current Commander In Chief has a real affinity for vacations."
Totally false, of course. But Bush did spend far more time on vacation than any president in history.
Ben Shapiro, Town Hall: "In reality, there's a reason nobody has compared Obama to a dog: dogs are likeable. They are friendly and loyal. They are man's best friend, as opposed to King Abdullah's best friend."
King Abdullah's best friend...God, I have to reprint this picture again already:

Well, on we go:
Thomas Sowell, Town Hall: "President Barack Obama boldly proclaims, "The buck stops here!" But, whenever his policies are criticized, he acts as if the buck stopped with George W. Bush."
Thomas, if by that, you mean that Obama correctly points out that Bush and his fellow Republicans caused the troubles that are plaguing our country today, well, let's hope he keeps it up.
Chuck Norris, Town Hall: "Obama: Muslim Missionary? (Part 4)"
Give us a fucking break, will you, Chuck? My God, part 4? Get a life, buddy.
David Solway, Pajamas Media: "Israeli-Palestinian Direct Talks Will Lead Directly to Failure"
That's your right wing hope, David, because then you guys can go on screaming for another war, just like the last two that you guys started and totally failed at. Just what we need, American Humiliation, part 3. Maybe Chuck Norris could write about that.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Crazy Alan Grayson on Beck Rally: “These Are the People Who Were Wearing Sheets Over Their Heads 25 Years Ago”
They were, Jim. So what's your point?
Wes Vernon, Renew America: "Is it safe to send your child to school? Part 2--Howard Zinn: Communist liar"
Don't forget Saul Alinsky, Wes. Let's just blame everything on people that virtually no one outside of your wingnut readers has ever heard of.
Oh, thank heaven! At least someone remembers to blame Saul Alinsky for everything.
Mark Crutcher, Renew America: "Eugenics: the real reason for legalized abortion...With a mountain of documentation, Maafa 21, is proving to audiences all across America that the real motivation behind the legalization of abortion was eugenics and racial genocide."
Right, eugenics. And the real reason for health care reform wasn't crooked insurance companies, it was so they could have death panels. And the real reason for unemployment insurance wasn't to protect people from starvation, it was to enslave them to the government. And the real reason for the minimum wage wasn't to insure working people some kind of decent life, it was to destroy small business. God, the lies never end.
World Net Daily: "Shock plan: Palestinians scheduled to govern Jews...Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly has proposed a new plan whereby Jews living in the West Bank will remain in their communities after the territory becomes part of a Palestinian state, WND has learned."
And what is the alternative? Exterminating them? Sending them to live in the San Fernando Valley? What in God's name do you want to happen to them when the Palestinians take over the West Bank? Now, it's a crime that they are allowed to stay where they are?
World Net Daily Exclusive: "Jews learn of Jesus appearing in OLD Testament Stunning biblical truth about Christ talking with Abraham, Moses face to face"
And the World Net Daily people wonder why we don't take them seriously. Well, you've got to give them's not everybody that can think up a lie that has eluded the entire world for two thousand years.
IHL, American Right: "Oh, to have an American as President again. While we suffer through our current infestation and occupation of the White House, it sure is nice to be reminded what it was like to have an American as President. You can like George Bush or not, but he is a great man and a true American. He loves this country and what it was founded on and he loves our military. I miss the man. I truly do."
He loves our military. Particularly the 4,000 that he killed for nothing. You may miss him, moron, but no one else does.
Brent Bozell, Town Hall: "It's quite likely that many...have been told of Reagan's firm resolve to win the Cold War. But it's also likely they haven't learned about the Reagan budget policies that led to a historic economic recovery."
Maybe that's because it will take a few more years before the news of that accomplishment arrives here, from the planet where it occurred.
Erick Erickson, Red State (and don't forget, CNN): "David Petraeus is right. That church burning the korans in Florida will incite muslims to kill Americans, particularly American soldiers. Why? Well, in part, because David Petraeus and the media have decided to magnify the event and guarantee it’ll be featured on the front page of every major newspaper in the Middle East."
Ah yes, here it comes. General Petraeus, the man who can do no wrong. Until he says one thing the right wingers don't like, and then all of a sudden he's the one responsible for Muslim terrorism. Figure it out, General- your conservative buddies don't make very good friends.
World Net Daily: "This single report could sink Obama's presidency"

And all you have to do to get it is to sign yourself up voluntarily to get e-mails forever from WND trying to sell you their crap. What a deal.
He didn't compromise on Obamacare.
He didn't compromise on the Stimulus.
He didn't compromise on the bailouts."
Dear Astute ones: He did compromise on Obamacare or we would have had a single payer plan. He did compromise on the stimulus or we would have had one twice as big, without the bogus tax cuts for the rich thrown in to appease Republicans. He didn't compromise on the bailouts because those were passed under President Bush.
Starting to remember all of that, now?
First, a couple of more examples of a phenomenon which I think I was the first person to notice- the systematic Republican plan to accuse Obama of things, because they were actually defects of Bush, in an effort to argue away their hero's abject failure:
American Right: "The current Commander In Chief has a real affinity for vacations."
Totally false, of course. But Bush did spend far more time on vacation than any president in history.
Ben Shapiro, Town Hall: "In reality, there's a reason nobody has compared Obama to a dog: dogs are likeable. They are friendly and loyal. They are man's best friend, as opposed to King Abdullah's best friend."
King Abdullah's best friend...God, I have to reprint this picture again already:

Well, on we go:
Thomas Sowell, Town Hall: "President Barack Obama boldly proclaims, "The buck stops here!" But, whenever his policies are criticized, he acts as if the buck stopped with George W. Bush."
Thomas, if by that, you mean that Obama correctly points out that Bush and his fellow Republicans caused the troubles that are plaguing our country today, well, let's hope he keeps it up.
Chuck Norris, Town Hall: "Obama: Muslim Missionary? (Part 4)"
Give us a fucking break, will you, Chuck? My God, part 4? Get a life, buddy.
David Solway, Pajamas Media: "Israeli-Palestinian Direct Talks Will Lead Directly to Failure"
That's your right wing hope, David, because then you guys can go on screaming for another war, just like the last two that you guys started and totally failed at. Just what we need, American Humiliation, part 3. Maybe Chuck Norris could write about that.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Crazy Alan Grayson on Beck Rally: “These Are the People Who Were Wearing Sheets Over Their Heads 25 Years Ago”
They were, Jim. So what's your point?
Wes Vernon, Renew America: "Is it safe to send your child to school? Part 2--Howard Zinn: Communist liar"
Don't forget Saul Alinsky, Wes. Let's just blame everything on people that virtually no one outside of your wingnut readers has ever heard of.
Oh, thank heaven! At least someone remembers to blame Saul Alinsky for everything.
Mark Crutcher, Renew America: "Eugenics: the real reason for legalized abortion...With a mountain of documentation, Maafa 21, is proving to audiences all across America that the real motivation behind the legalization of abortion was eugenics and racial genocide."
Right, eugenics. And the real reason for health care reform wasn't crooked insurance companies, it was so they could have death panels. And the real reason for unemployment insurance wasn't to protect people from starvation, it was to enslave them to the government. And the real reason for the minimum wage wasn't to insure working people some kind of decent life, it was to destroy small business. God, the lies never end.
World Net Daily: "Shock plan: Palestinians scheduled to govern Jews...Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly has proposed a new plan whereby Jews living in the West Bank will remain in their communities after the territory becomes part of a Palestinian state, WND has learned."
And what is the alternative? Exterminating them? Sending them to live in the San Fernando Valley? What in God's name do you want to happen to them when the Palestinians take over the West Bank? Now, it's a crime that they are allowed to stay where they are?
World Net Daily Exclusive: "Jews learn of Jesus appearing in OLD Testament Stunning biblical truth about Christ talking with Abraham, Moses face to face"
And the World Net Daily people wonder why we don't take them seriously. Well, you've got to give them's not everybody that can think up a lie that has eluded the entire world for two thousand years.
IHL, American Right: "Oh, to have an American as President again. While we suffer through our current infestation and occupation of the White House, it sure is nice to be reminded what it was like to have an American as President. You can like George Bush or not, but he is a great man and a true American. He loves this country and what it was founded on and he loves our military. I miss the man. I truly do."
He loves our military. Particularly the 4,000 that he killed for nothing. You may miss him, moron, but no one else does.
Brent Bozell, Town Hall: "It's quite likely that many...have been told of Reagan's firm resolve to win the Cold War. But it's also likely they haven't learned about the Reagan budget policies that led to a historic economic recovery."
Maybe that's because it will take a few more years before the news of that accomplishment arrives here, from the planet where it occurred.
Erick Erickson, Red State (and don't forget, CNN): "David Petraeus is right. That church burning the korans in Florida will incite muslims to kill Americans, particularly American soldiers. Why? Well, in part, because David Petraeus and the media have decided to magnify the event and guarantee it’ll be featured on the front page of every major newspaper in the Middle East."
Ah yes, here it comes. General Petraeus, the man who can do no wrong. Until he says one thing the right wingers don't like, and then all of a sudden he's the one responsible for Muslim terrorism. Figure it out, General- your conservative buddies don't make very good friends.
World Net Daily: "This single report could sink Obama's presidency"

And all you have to do to get it is to sign yourself up voluntarily to get e-mails forever from WND trying to sell you their crap. What a deal.
He didn't compromise on Obamacare.
He didn't compromise on the Stimulus.
He didn't compromise on the bailouts."
Dear Astute ones: He did compromise on Obamacare or we would have had a single payer plan. He did compromise on the stimulus or we would have had one twice as big, without the bogus tax cuts for the rich thrown in to appease Republicans. He didn't compromise on the bailouts because those were passed under President Bush.
Starting to remember all of that, now?