It Could Be Worse

This just in:

"Dallas Pastor Defends Claim That Islam Promotes Pedophilia"

Oh well, at least the charge isn't coming from a Catholic Priest.


magpie said…
Geoffrey Robertson, one of the most famous lawyers in my country who has worked for the UN, has written a book called "The Case of the Pope: Vatican accountability for human rights abuse". In it he says the Vatican should be treated as a rogue state until it abandons canon law, which enables predators to go unpunished and untracked in later life, where they may get jobs that enable them ample opportunity to re-offend.

He says of the 1929 Lateran Treaty: "The purpose of this agreement between Mussolini and pro-fascist Pope Pius XI was to destroy Italian democracy and to privilege the Catholic Church over all others''... meaning the claim to be a head of state is not legitimate.

He contents that the Holy See has "infiltrated" the UN as a state rather than a religion. He does also say however that purely as a religious leader the Pope should be respected.
Green Eagle said…
"He does also say however that purely as a religious leader the Pope should be respected."

And as soon as he does something that deserves respect, I will be happy to do that.

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