Seeing the Mote, Ignoring the Beam

I was amused to read a post at Renew America, by a self-described "Catholic columnist," entitled "The homosexualist agenda in Catholic schools."

This fifteen hundred word article was devoted to an article written by "a graduating senior at Sacred Heart High School" in Kingston, Massachusetts. As the Renew America columnist put it:

"The Sacred Heart High School administration approved the publication of the article in the school newspaper. The article directly contradicts Catholic teaching as it relates to issues of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender behavior, God's merciful love, and sin."

Can you guess what this guy, an amazingly un-self aware person by the name of Matt C. Abbot failed to mention?

Yup, you got it. He is filled with indignation at the idea that a high school student might write an article about homosexuality, but has no time to consider the widespread, systematic practice of child sexual molestation carried out throughout the Catholic world by its own leaders. No time to condemn real sexual degeneracy of the most loathsome kind, which I guess does not contradict Catholic teaching; but time to expose a high school student to nationwide fury for daring to express his opinion.

Listen, Mr. Abbot: when I see you standing up against Catholic priests routinely sodomizing children, then maybe I'll be interested in your opinion about something like this. Until then, just shut the hell up.


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