Wingnut Wrapup

Yes, it's that time again- the time when my cesspool overflows with the ravings of the right, so I have no choice but to dump its contents on you.

We have some award winners today, so pay close attention:

First, the Karl Rove Memorial Award for egregious nonsense in lying:

Allen Hunt, Town Hall: "Is any event so small that President Obama does not feel compelled to weigh in on it? Apparently not. Witness his recent impression of Mrs. O'Leary's famous cow when he turned Pastor Terry Jones into an international crisis."

Ah yes. You guys spread the hate; the result is our fault if we dare to mention it in public. If we'd just kept our damned mouths shut about your sick, perverted behavior, everything would have been just fine. How Christian, Mr. Hunt.

And now the Idiotic Obama Nazi Comparison of the Day:

Wes Vernon, Renew America: "Thomas Perez: Obama's one-man Gestapo...Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General, heads the Justice Department's (DOJ) "Civil Rights" division. On September 3, the department filed a suit against "America's toughest sheriff" Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona."

Filing a suit. As I remember, that's exactly how the Gestapo worked- by filing lawsuits against people it didn't like. What an apt analogy. The Justice Department is the Gestapo because it sued someone. Of course, Bush and Cheney were most definitely not the Gestapo when they arrested people, held them for years without charges and regularly tortured them. No, who ever heard of the Gestapo doing anything like that? The Gestapo operated solely through lawsuits.

Dennis Prager, Town Hall: "The truth is that the Right's views of Muslims, the Cordoba House, and Islam are considerably more nuanced than those of the Left...The elite right -- the leading conservative columnists, editorial pages and vast majority of major talk-show hosts -- readily and regularly distinguish between jihadists and their American Muslim neighbor across the street."

No, they don't, you lying pig. That's exactly what they don't do. But it is what people on the left do. A masterpiece from the king of right wing projection.

Scott Wheeler, Town Hall: "Here’s a dinner table-worthy question: What puts more American lives in danger than burning a Koran in Florida? Answer: having an unqualified, anti-American street punk for a president! So, if you liberals take Obama at his word, then you must call for his immediate resignation with the same enthusiasm that you are now denouncing the kookie Koran-burner. "

How about having an ignorant, self-entitled, drunken frat boy for president. How did that work out?

And by the way, "street punk" is so rarely used to describe a former editor of the Harvard Law Review and constitutional law instructor. I'm not really sure if it fits in this case.

And here's our selection for the least likely charge to turn into a major scandal:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Michelle Obama Wears $200 T-Shirt While Painting on 9-11 National Day of Service"

Maybe if she'd just worn her t-shirt while sitting around drinking herself to sleep like Pickles Bush, that would have been okay.

Joan Swirsky, Renew America: "70 Democrat members of the current Congress...belong to the Socialist Party of America "

Well, leaving apart the fact that the Socialist Party of America disbanded in 1973...wait, why leave that apart? Talk about a lie that takes your breath away.

Peter Raymond, American Thinker: "Retirement Fund Trillions Lure Government Grabbers...Is the government making plans to confiscate your retirement money?"

How about the Republican plan instead, where the hedge fund managers and guys on Wall Street confiscate your retirement money, i.e. the trillions in the Social Security fund? Does that sound like a good idea? Because that's their plan.

Hadley Heath, Town Hall: "Raising Taxes is Not the Solution to the Budget Problem"

Yes it is.

John Stossel, Town Hall: "Money Is Not What Schools Need"

Yes it is.

Jonah Goldberg: "You Can't Rule on Personality Alone"

But you can rule on stupidity and greed alone, as long as you don't care what kind of country you leave behind after you are done. Get what I'm saying here?

And the Tin Medal for the Stupidest Religious Delusion of the Day:

Bryan Fischer, Renew America: "Why America has been safe since 9/11: major league baseball...The singing of "God Bless America" has been a staple since 9/11 in virtually every major league baseball stadium, and, inspired by baseball's example, is now a consistent part of pregame festivities at NFL games and NBA games, as well as college football and basketball games.

I suggest that these prayers have been heard and they have been answered."

And the runner up:

Robin of Berkeley, American Thinker: "The Gospel of Obama...When a culture banishes God as the ultimate arbiter, a guilt-ridden populace is the inevitable outcome."

Of course, no guilt is involved when a culture gives itself over to greed, hate and racism.


Silverfiddle said…
You need to provide links
Green Eagle said…

I have discussed this issue at some length before. Virtually everything I feature in Wingnut Wrapup comes from major, high-traffic right wing blogs. The quotes I feature are copied and pasted from the sources, so they are 100% accurate. I identify them every time, so that if someone really wants to see whether I'm being fair to them, it is easy enough to do. I do not feel that I have any obligation to provide a source of hits to these malicious, anti-American haters.

By the way, I would like to know how much fairness I am expected to show toward people who call Obama and all Democrats terrorist-coddling Communists, and Nazis to boot, and who will willingly stoop to any lie, no matter how sordid.
Silverfiddle said…
It's not about fairness, its about the convenience of your readers.
B.J. said…
Green Eagle: I came to your blog via Infidel753’s link. You are quite the wit! May I have your permission to reprint this post in full on my blog with full credit and a link, of course:

demwit dot blogspot dot com

If you will respond here, I will check to have comments emailed to me so I can read your answer.

Thanks so much. I look forward to future wingnut exposes.


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