The End of Western Civilization is Here
And no, it is not being brought about by Muslims who live twelve thousand miles from here. It is coming at the hands of another religious group:
"Galileo was Wrong: The Church was Right
First Annual Catholic Conference on Geocentrism
Galileo Was Wrong is a detailed and comprehensive treatment of the scientific evidence supporting Geocentrism, the academic belief that the Earth is immobile in the center of the universe. Garnering scientific information from physics, astrophysics, astronomy and other sciences, Galileo Was Wrong shows that the debate between Galileo and the Catholic Church was much more than a difference of opinion about the interpretation of Scripture.
Scientific evidence available to us within the last 100 years that was not available during Galileo's confrontation shows that the Church's position on the immobility of the Earth is not only scientifically supportable, but it is the most stable model of the universe and the one which best answers all the evidence we see in the cosmos."
Think this is a bad joke? Look below:

Yes, there are actually people who are maliciously stupid enough to believe this, or else there are people who are willing to use other people's ignorance and idiotic religious faith to manipulate them. can we survive in a country where people will claim to believe garbage like this, in order to shout down the "liberals" who keep claiming that we owe everyone a chance to live a decent life? Because in the end, that's all this is about: God told me it's okay to be a racist, greed-maddened hatemonger, and you can't tell me different, because I heard it straight from Jesus. And you thought they couldn't sink any lower when they denied the truth of evolution and global warming. These are human lemmings who are willing to kill themselves, their children and everyone around them rather than admit they were wrong about anything, or admit that they owe a shred of concern for the welfare of anyone but themselves. The Republicans must be really proud at having bred the most morally corrupt political movement in our country's history, as a necessary means to getting them to voluntarily slit their own throats on behalf of the hyper-rich.
"Galileo was Wrong: The Church was Right
First Annual Catholic Conference on Geocentrism
Galileo Was Wrong is a detailed and comprehensive treatment of the scientific evidence supporting Geocentrism, the academic belief that the Earth is immobile in the center of the universe. Garnering scientific information from physics, astrophysics, astronomy and other sciences, Galileo Was Wrong shows that the debate between Galileo and the Catholic Church was much more than a difference of opinion about the interpretation of Scripture.
Scientific evidence available to us within the last 100 years that was not available during Galileo's confrontation shows that the Church's position on the immobility of the Earth is not only scientifically supportable, but it is the most stable model of the universe and the one which best answers all the evidence we see in the cosmos."
Think this is a bad joke? Look below:

Yes, there are actually people who are maliciously stupid enough to believe this, or else there are people who are willing to use other people's ignorance and idiotic religious faith to manipulate them. can we survive in a country where people will claim to believe garbage like this, in order to shout down the "liberals" who keep claiming that we owe everyone a chance to live a decent life? Because in the end, that's all this is about: God told me it's okay to be a racist, greed-maddened hatemonger, and you can't tell me different, because I heard it straight from Jesus. And you thought they couldn't sink any lower when they denied the truth of evolution and global warming. These are human lemmings who are willing to kill themselves, their children and everyone around them rather than admit they were wrong about anything, or admit that they owe a shred of concern for the welfare of anyone but themselves. The Republicans must be really proud at having bred the most morally corrupt political movement in our country's history, as a necessary means to getting them to voluntarily slit their own throats on behalf of the hyper-rich.