A Lunatic, and a Liar Too

From her LinkedIn Page:

"Christine O'Donnell

Media Consultant and Political Commentator

        * Fairleigh Dickinson University
        * Claremont Graduate University
        * University of Oxford"

Though this may come as a massive surprise to you, Christine O'Donnell never attended the University of Oxford.  This is a lie, pure and simple.

More:  Oh God, this is so much worse than I thought.  I hope I can be forgiven a rather long excerpt from Daily Kos:

"For years O'Donnell said that she had graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1993, when she didn't receive her degree until last summer. And there was her lawsuit that stated  that she "has lost the increased earning power that a Master's degree from Princeton would have created," despite the fact that she never attended Princeton...And now, one more -- O'Donnell claims on her Linkedin bio that she studied Constitutional Government at Claremont Graduate University. She didn't.  O'Donnell did, however, study Constitutional Government at the Claremont Institute, a right-wing think tank whose home page currently features their efforts on behalf of Proposition 8 in California, SB 1070, the racial profiling law in Arizona, and the "Sharia threat," to name just a few."

And this, as Kos points out, from a woman who said she wouldn't even lie to Hitler to protect Anne Frank.


Silverfiddle said…
You want a liar: Go to factcheck.org and search for nutbag Alan Grayson.

I'll be blogging about this human stain on the body politic on Wednesday.
Green Eagle said…
YOU are the liar. What Grayson said about his opponent's views of marriage is absolutely true. As usual, right wingers with zero respect for the welfare of our country (like yourself) are spreading lies.
Anonymous said…
Standard Republican tactic, attack a Democrat when the repeated lies of Republicans are exposed.

And Alan Grayson is a Great Democrat perhaps the best voice at highlighting the evil which infests the very souls of each and every conservative...
Silverfiddle said…
As usual, nobody on the left bothered to hear the whole sound bit, which is around 20 seconds.

Pull your head out of your MSNBC.

From Politico:

"Grayson manipulates a video clip to make it appear Webster was commanding wives to submit to their husbands, quoting a passage in the Bible. Four times, the ad shows Webster saying wives should submit to their husbands," the site points out. "In fact, Webster was cautioning husbands to avoid taking that passage as their own. The unedited quote is: 'Don't pick the ones [Bible verses] that say, 'She should submit to me.'"

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42818.html#ixzz10v4VoK4g

Grayson is a turd stuck to the shoe of Central Florida voters. Will they scrape him off this November, or can they live with the stench?
Grung_e_Gene said…
SF, I'm surprised you didn't revive your "Liberals are evil weenies who hate a pretty girl" stance.

Republicans trot out "hot" women in the hopes that duped and brain dead Conservatives will conclude Good Looking equals Good Arguments.

Instead of questioning this tactic conservatives are so actively ignorant that they positively reference the looks of Sarah Palin and the others as evidence of their rightness of their political positions.
Silverfiddle said…
No Gene, I'd just be repeating the obvious. Red-faced, diaper rash ranting hatred is all the left has left. That and Alan Grayson-style lying. He's down 7 in the polls, maybe Floridians can no longer stand the stench and are deciding to scrape this turd off their shoes.
Jeanne D'arc said…
Silverfiddle, there's a place in the afterlife reserved for you. Holy Joe will show you the gate.

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