The Lies, The Lies!

Once again, I feel called upon to quote at some length a malignant article from one of the America-hating paid liars at Renew America; in this instance, Mr. Alan Caruba spreading his destructive misinformation about global warming. Mr. Caruba is not a paranoid maniac in the class of a Sher Zieve, but he does himself up proud with this effort:

"No science, fake science, and the deliberate destruction of the nation

Any scientist who has not sold his soul to the environmental movement will tell you that the reason that greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), do not cause any warming is due to the fact that they have to conform to the laws of thermodynamics. The first law states that "energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only change form."

Complete gibberish, of course, from someone who not only has no understanding of thermodynamics, but doesn't give a damn about it except as a tool to delude the ignorant.

"Energy produced by coal, natural gas, oil, or nuclear is energy that has changed from one form of matter to another."


"The attack on these sources of energy is a direct attack on the economic success of America and it is one that is at a dangerous peak of activity generated by the Obama administration, primarily through the Environmental Protection Agency."

Now we get down to it. Any attempt to force energy companies to control their destruction of the environment is an attack on America by the Obama administration. Of course, people like this hateful monster will never admit that anyone who admits the truth of global warming (about which there has been no question for decades) has any kind of honorable motives at all, so it is necessary to fabricate the ludicrous fiction that they are all engaged in a deliberate attempt to destroy our country. The preposterous nature of this claim is almost beyond description.

"There is simply no such thing as "dirty energy."

There isn't? How about the smog that plagued American cities and has been materially reduced by automobile emissions controls? How about the thousands that died from "fogs" in London in the nineteenth centuries? I could go on and on here, as you well know, but let's continue.

"The push for so-called clean or renewable energy is a fiction to advance the use of the two worst, most unpredictable and unreliable forms of energy, solar and wind."

Solar and wind- the two worst forms of energy. Also of course, the two most non-polluting. Anyone care to guess who gives this murderous liar (because, by preventing action on global warming, that is what he is, a mass murderer) his marching orders?

"if the EPA gains the authority to control carbon dioxide, it will literally control all business and industrial activity in the nation as well as the lives of all Americans."

Sure it will. That makes a lot of sense. What a dick.

"there is no scientific justification for controlling CO2 because it plays no role in the so-called "climate change," the new language being used to avoid saying "global warming." It should be evident to a kindergartner that humans not only do not affect the climate, but have no control over it."

Evident to a kindergartner. Unfortunately, not evident to any scientist not paid off by the energy companies, nor to any other honest person.

"The environmental movement that has devoted decades and millions to perpetrate the greatest science fraud in the history of mankind has backed away from "global warming" for the obvious reason that the Earth has been in a cooling cycle for the past decade"

A total lie. The last decade is the hottest on record.

"there is zero need to control CO2 as a threat to the environment because, without it, all life on Earth would not exist. It is CO2 that is the vegetative equivalent of oxygen that maintains all animal life. The two are symbiotic and have been for billions of years....Nearly all life on earth depends on the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere. Without any CO2, the Earth would be a barren place like the moon, or our neighboring planets, Venus and Mars."

Without water, all life on earth would not exist. So let's submerge everyone in water. That would be just great, right? Apparently Mr. Caruba hasn't considered the notion of "too much of a good thing."

"Indeed, more CO2 in the atmosphere would be extremely beneficial, aiding larger crop yields to feed Americans and others worldwide. It would improve the health and vitality of the planet's forests."

More utter lies, from an absolutely morally bankrupt sociopath who does not care at all what damage he wreaks on others, if he benefits in the slightest.

"To sum up, Cap-and-Trade and any control of CO2 is in its simplest terms, a vehicle to destroy the nation's economy."

Because there is not a person in the world who really believes in global warming. They're all communists out to destroy America.

How do you deal with the generation who have been raised by the Republicans to believe this malignant propaganda, and with the billions that the rich are willing to spend to feed them on these lies? I just don't know, but I do know that the last two years have really taught me a sad lesson in what a vile bunch of greedy, hate-filled, neanderthals exist between the two coasts of this country, and how many morally bankrupt savages like Mr. Caruba there are to feed their worst instincts.


mastercynic said…
It's a good thing, then that China is spending hundreds of billions of dollars (or the equivalent in yuan) to fight this non-existant threat. Let them waste all that money creating jobs and dominating the mythical growth industry of the next century. We'll show them that sticking with the fossil fuel technology of the 19th century will bring them to their knees.
Infidel753 said…
The level of scientific illiteracy here is astounding. He actually manages to mangle the second law of thermodynamics even more pathetically than the creationists do.
Green Eagle said…
I get it that people like him don't give a damn about the laws of science, but you'd think, with all of their blabbing about religion that they might care about this law:

9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

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