It's All About Us, Of Course

The unrepentant racist, Pat Buchanan, at Town Hall today:

"Consider the portrait of frustrated impotence America presented to the world last week.

Our president and the secretaries of state and defense deplored Pastor Jones' plan to burn 100 Qurans but could do nothing to stop him, other than to plead with him. Jones decided to call it off himself.

Having gotten the message, Afghan mobs chanting, "Death to America," burned the American flag and set off to kill our soldiers"

Because the action or non action of one lunatic jackass twelve thousand miles away was all they have to be mad about. It couldn't be, could it, that they are upset that we are spending billions of dollars to have our army running around their country killing people almost at random, in the service of supporting one of the most corrupt rulers on earth, an ex-oil executive placed in charge of their country by us? No, their own welfare, their utter inability to control their own fate in the face of an army far beyond anything they could dislodge, all of the abandoned Bush promises to bring so much progress to them...none of that could possibly disturb them more than some idiot with a Koran and a can of lighter fluid in Florida.

Do I need to explain the inherent racism involved in this assumption that Muslims are animals, stirred to a rage by some meaningless provocation, rather than people who, though hopelessly outmatched by the high-tech military juggernaut with which they are forced to live, will not give up trying to run their country their way? It is so much simpler to blame it all on some medieval religious stupidity than for the moronic teabaggers, who go around screaming meaninglessly about getting the government off our backs, to accept that the People of Afghanistan might want our government off their backs too.


Silverfiddle said…
It is so much simpler to blame it all on some medieval religious stupidity

Careful, That could apply to your criticism of Christians here as well.

Hopefully, we can pull out of these troubled lands and test your theory. Will it all be peace and quite then?
Green Eagle said…
Yes, but the Christians in this country don't have a two hundred year history of ruthless exploitation by the (Christian) west. I firmly believe that Islam, as it now exists, has some major problems that need to be dealt with, but that doesn't change the fact that there are real abuses which have taken place.

And no, there will not be peace there. If we wanted peace in Iraq, we should have left Saddam in charge- he certainly provided that. But in the first place, it will be their wars and not ours, and in the second place, the destruction we wrought there leaves us with a lot of responsibility for what will happen over the next decade or two.

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