Obama Bows
I have a final comment to make on the issue of the filthy faked photo of Obama allegedly bowing to Saddam Hussein, one of Ronald Reagan's closest allies in the middle east.
Here is the picture of Obama doing whatever he was doing to the Saudis:

Now, here is another picture we are all familiar with:

Since the game on the right seems to be to ignore any cultural context in the Obama picture, I am going to take the same right for myself, and tell the world that George W. Bush was having a homosexual affair with a Saudi prince.
Fair's fair, right?
Here is the picture of Obama doing whatever he was doing to the Saudis:

Now, here is another picture we are all familiar with:

Since the game on the right seems to be to ignore any cultural context in the Obama picture, I am going to take the same right for myself, and tell the world that George W. Bush was having a homosexual affair with a Saudi prince.
Fair's fair, right?
Isn't kissing a man on the lips more obsequious, more INTIMATE, than bending down to grasp his hand?
Why do the wingers not see that?
Because GWB is of the white race.
I am convinced that most of this hysteria over Obama and his hand shaking is just more piling on because he's bi-racial and his name if furrin.
And of course the usual rightwing blather that liberals don't love America.
They're unhappy, insecure, and facing the fact that their days as a majority are coming to an end.
Because he was having congress with Dick Cheney and W.
The point is how easy it is to invent these malignant smears. Only the Republicans, however, have spent decades training the most ignorant, racist quarter of the population to believe things like this.
Someone apparently thought this one wasn't good enough:
Kissing the man on the cheek was bad enough and proves a liberal point. Photoshopping just destroys credibility
Imagine if President Obama danced and held hands with a Saudi Prince. Remember 19 of the 20 hijackers were Saudis.
None of the people involved with the Park51 community center/mosque had anything to do with flying those planes into the WTC.
The point is, Mr. Obama gets pilloried by the right for his showing respect, but Mr. Bush escapes all controversy for doing exactly the same.
And there's a very shameful reason for this double-standard employed by the Right.
The President should bow before no one except God and the American people.
W Bush wasn't bowing to anyone. As far as I remember, kissing someone is a sign of affection/respect/friendship, not servitude.
"Because GWB is of the white race."
I believe you mean "human race". There is no such thing as the "white race".
"Mr. Obama gets pilloried by the right for his showing respect, but Mr. Bush escapes all controversy for doing exactly the same."
While a bow can be a sign of respect, it is also one of servitude. I could care less who Obama kisses. If he kisses the feet or ring of a foreign leader, then I'll complain. I could care less who he snogs with.
Well, on to your comment:
W Bush wasn't bowing to anyone. As far as I remember, kissing someone is a sign of affection/respect/friendship, not servitude."
Come on, Derek. Bowing is a sign of respect too- look at Japanese customs. This is the point I was making: If you want to interpret Obama's bow as an act of servility, I am equally justified in interpreting Bush's kiss as an act of gay sex.
"I could care less who Obama kisses."
Oh, come on, Derek- if you had a picture of Obama like the one of Bush, you would never, ever stop screaming about it. Show a little self-awareness.