And Who, Exactly, Cares About Our Economy?

From the Washington Post:

"The latest jobs bill from Senate Democrats - a plan to punish firms that ship jobs overseas - failed to clear a key procedural hurdle Tuesday after some Democrats complained that the measure would hamper the ability of U.S. companies to compete in foreign markets.

Four Democrats and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) voted with a united Republican caucus to block the bill, which was crafted to address the 9.6 percent unemployment rate in the run-up to November's midterm elections. On a vote of 53 to 45, the measure failed to garner the 60 votes needed to overcome a GOP filibuster.

The bill under consideration Tuesday would have ended tax deductions for expenses incurred when companies shutter U.S. operations and shift the work abroad; imposed a new tax on products once made in the United States but now manufactured by foreign workers; and offered employers a two-year payroll tax holiday on jobs repatriated from overseas."

It figures that the entire Republican party would be against a bill to stop rewarding businesses for taking our jobs overseas.  Just in case you wondered, here are the four "Democrats" that joined them: Ben Nelson, John Tester, Mark Warner and the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus.  And, naturally, Holy Joe Lieberman.

Now, of course, these five will claim that they live in conservative districts and voted the way they did in order to represent the views of their constituents.  Of course they will.  But is there anyone dumb enough to believe that even the most radical teabaggers enjoys the idea of paying tax money to companies to take our jobs overseas?

Let me be clear here:  This is not a matter of right versus left.  This is corporate corruption pure and simple.  These five Senators (along with the entire Republican party, of course) are doing the bidding of multinational corporations at the expense of the American people, forcing us to pay for our own mugging.

And let us not forget this:  The vast majority of the American people would be outraged by this vote, but our Republican compliant press will see to it that most of them never hear a word about it.


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