Whose Fault is That?

Barack Obama:

"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election...The idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base, that people are sitting on their hands complaining, is just irresponsible."

Then why have you spent the last year sending Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod out in public to demean and belittle your progressive base, and why in God's name, when the progressive position has proven over and over again to be the correct one, have you abandoned it in an idiotic attempt to win the support of a couple of supposedly moderate Republicans, or Ben Nelson and Blanche Lincoln, who end up stabbing you in the back every single time?

Life is a two way street, buddy.  If you are not going to stand up for our positions, not because they are ours, but because they are the right positions for the country, why should we stand up for you?

Sure I'm going to vote- I always do, and I'm not voting Republican.   But there isn't that much reason, really, to vote for you guys, unless you stop cowering in the corner and do what we elected you to do.


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