Lowest of the Low

Newt Gingrich, in one of the most hate-filled, lying, racist rants I have ever heard:

"What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]? That is the most accurate, predicative model for his behavior. This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president.

I think he worked very hard at being a person who is normal, reasonable, moderate, bipartisan, transparent, accommodating — none of which was true. In the Alinksy tradition, he was being the person he needed to be in order to achieve the position he needed to achieve. He was authentically dishonest.

[Obama] is in the great tradition of Edison, Ford, the Wright Brothers, Bill Gates — he saw his opportunity and he took it. The American people may take it back, in which case I may or may not be the recipient of that, but I have zero doubt that the American people will take it back. Unlike Ford, the Wright Brothers, et cetera, this guy’s invention did not work.

I think Obama gets up every morning with a worldview that is fundamentally wrong about reality. If you look at the continuous denial of reality, there has got to be a point where someone stands up and says that this is just factually insane."

In a decent country, a filthy animal like Newt, who orchestrated the worst abuse of Congressional power in our nation's history, and who was forced out of Congress due to his corruption and massive dishonesty, and who now dares to try to return to our political life and pollute it with this kind of hatred, would be ostracized from all human society.

Not here in the good ol' U.S. of A. No, here he is welcome to go on "news" stations to spread his lies and his smears, and is treated like some sort of elder statesman. He says he wants to run for President, and people in the media just nod their heads and accept that as appropriate.

Charlie Manson would make a better leader than Newt. He's a hell of a lot more honest, and probably would take his job more seriously. I mean this. The Republican party is run by the lowest specimens of human being (except for maybe Catholic priests) that can be found in our country. And people keep voting for them, and then wonder why things turn out so bad.


mastercynic said…
Newt's live in pond scum, don't they?
Hold on there Green Eagle. I can think of many good Catholic Priests. I can't think of any good republicans.
Green Eagle said…

As these same disgusting scandals turn up in country after country, it becomes increasingly difficult for me to believe that the great majority of Catholic priests were not aware, and therefore complicit, in this monstrous behavior. At this point, I feel that the burden of proof is on them. Does that seem unreasonable to you?

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