Your Liberal Press At Work

William McGurn, from the Wall Street Journal today:

"Conservatives and Republicans rattle off any number of objections to the bill: It would bust the budget; it would force many families to replace private coverage with government; it would subsidize abortion; it would ration care, etc. These are all variations on the major argument: It's not going to work.

None of this really persuades Democrats, because they see it differently."

No, Mr. McGurn. As you well know, none of this persuades Democrats, because it is a pack of lies. You guys just love to listen to lies. We don't.

How's that for the real explanation?


Derek said…
"because it is a pack of lies."

Prove it.
Green Eagle said…

This is an opinion blog, not a history lesson. I am speaking, by and large, to people who already know the facts. Apparently, that is not true for everyone.
Derek said…
"not a history lesson"

History? You mean discussing the bill that is in the Senate (or House, now onto Senate).

I think I will stick with the "you can't prove it" conclusion. Why? Because you are intellectually dishonest.
Green Eagle said…

I am not intellectually dishonest. I expect a reasonable degree of familiarity with the issues from my readers. I will not insult their intelligence by repeating facts with which I know them to be fully familiar.

For some reason, you do not have much knowledge about recent American history, but I cannot devote 80% of my time to filling you in on what the rest of us already know.

Derek said…
"I expect a reasonable degree of familiarity with the issues from my readers."

So when numerous agencies, including the CBO say it will add billions to the deficit, they are lying?

When numerous press outlets, as well as government ones say that in the bill, there is writing that says families must have "qualified coverage", as determined by the government, lest they be fined, they are lying?

When the bill doesn't exclude abortion, and a Republican points this out and says "hey, lets add an amendment to say it won't pay for abortion", and the Democrats vote it down, the Republicans cry foul, they are lying?

When the WSJ points out that it isn't a matter of if the bill will ration care, it will no matter what because by providing subsidized coverage to millions of more Americans, you will have giant waitlists.

Yes, facts GE. Get to know them.
Derek said…
Hey, check it out: The CBO says Obamacare will increase premiums for the 83% of the market.

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