Climategate- Part I

We are in the early stages of another grand right wing phony conspiracy- this one with a name and all. It's called Climategate, and in the last few days there have been literally dozens of posts on right wing blogs, and endless nonsense on their talk shows about it. Obviously, it relates to global warming, and the chief global warming denier (i.e. corrupt corporate stooge) in Congress, James Inhofe, is already promising "investigations."

I hate dealing with this kind of synthetic, lying crap, but this is a textbook example of the way the right generates noise to prevent actions being taken which might hurt their corporate masters, and it is something with which Ihave some familiarity, having been involved in environmental issues since serving as a regional organizer of the first earth day, so I am going to force myself to tackle it. I want to do this in a couple of parts, to avoid a tediously long post. Today, I want to briefly describe the alleged story of this pseudoscandal, and then just remind people about some of the facts of global warming.

The story, as first "reported" in the Moonie-financed Washington Times, modestly titled "EDITORIAL: Hiding evidence of global cooling," involves something like 26,000 e-mails from the last two decades, hacked from the English Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. Against my normal practice, I am linking to the article here, in case you desire to waste your time reading it. In two or three of these e-mails, cumsy wording can be taken out of context to support some sort of dubious claim that climate scientists invented the notion of global warming, for some unknown reason.

A consideration of the e-mails will make up the next part of this series. For now, I wish to make a couple of observations. First, someone could come up with an e-mail from Isaac Newton stating that his writing on gravity was a big joke. That wouldn't make things fall up. In science, the evidence is what counts. Nothing else has any relevance.

Now, lets remember a little about man-made global warming. In 2004, the magazine Nature published an analysis of all of the peer reviewed papers that had been written on the subject. It found over 700 articles. There was not a single one that disagreed with the notion that global warming was real, or the notion that it was at least in part caused by man-made forces. In fact, at that time, every supposedly scientific article that opposed these two notions emanated from a single source- an organization called the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which was funded largely by oil companies. Let me be blunt- these papers which disputed the plain facts about global warming were corporate lies, designed to protect profits.

Now, here are a few of the most recent scientific findings on climate change, from this report:

"Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels in 2008 were nearly 40% higher than those in 1990.

Over the past 25 years temperatures have increased at a rate of 0.190C per decade, in every good agreement with predictions based on greenhouse gas increases.

A wide array of satellite and ice measurements now demonstrate beyond doubt that both the Greenland and Antarctic ice-sheets are losing mass at an increasing rate.

Summer-time melting of Arctic sea-ice has accelerated far beyond the expectations of climate models.

Satellites show great global average sea-level rise (3.4 mm/yr over the past 15 years) to be 80% above past IPCC predictions."

Sad to say, there is plenty more. The issue here is simply that of the truth versus corporate greed and lies. There is no real question about the existence and danger of man-made global warming.

In my next post on this subject, I will look at the supposed "evidence" in the climategate "scandal." As you might expect, it will turn out to be just more lies, smears and distortions, like every argument conservatives have to make about everything.


(O)CT(O)PUS said…
The climate change deniers have their legions of climate change denier trolls who have been harassing and trashing liberal bloggers all week

If there is proof of one phenomenon, one can well understand why climate scientists want to insulate themselves from reactionaries who would waste their time and harass them at every turn.

That is how reactionary wingers divert attention at a crucial time: Invent a controversy, start a conspiracy theory, slander a scientist, make news and noise, sow doubt. Distract, distract, distract. The bastards are damn good at it too.

Right now I am having an argument with a liberal forum that cross-posts my articles. I complained about trolls, but the forum does not believe in censorship. "The trolls condemn themselves with their own foolishness," they say. I say the forum enables trolls and intensifies the distractions with their all too tolerant comment policy.

Why the hell am I having this argument? Yup, another distraction, another casualty of the climate change deniers and their trolls.
Green Eagle said…
You are absolutely right. I hope to make very much the same argument in the next two parts of this comment.
It would be nothing for righties to flood email accounts with nonsense that could be "hacked" by other righties. This thing smells of rat.
(O)CT(O)PUS said…
T101, smells of rat is an understatement. Think psy-ops. Thats what the teabaggers and the birthers and the deathers are doing. Anything to disrupt, confuse, distract, and cause suspicion.

We need a plan ... a counter operation. T101, you supply the beer.
Derek said…
They twisted numbers, thus defiling the name of science. Not to mention they talked about physical violence against warming skeptics. Science isn't guesswork, it isn't fabrication. As a Geological Science major every time I see something like this I shudder. Climate science has become faith-based. Pick a side, stick to it, no matter the costs.

The politics have been settled, the science has not. 25 million years ago, there wasn't a snowflake on this planet. Why then now, is there debate that we are warming? Because we are in an interglacial period of an iceage. CO2 concentrations have been higher on Earth before, and probably will be higher again.

My bet is on solar output combined with the change in our orbit around the Sun. That can account for almost 10 degrees C, and we aren't anywhere close to that much of an increase yet.

Regardless of the science, the solution stays the same: Promote innovation and new technologies.

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