The Toll of Tolerance

As if we needed any more evidence of what a clueless, malicious idiot Charles Krauthammer is, here's a little quote from his Washington Post column today, pointed out by Steve M. at No More Mr. Nice Blog:

"Have we totally lost our moral bearings? Nidal Hasan (allegedly) cold-bloodedly killed 13 innocent people. His business card had his name, his profession, his medical degrees and his occupational identity. U.S. Army? No. "SoA" -- Soldier of Allah. In such cases, political correctness is not just an abomination. It's a danger, clear and present. "

For the benefit of Mr. Krauthammer, and all of the other malicious hatemongers that we are forced to listen to every day, I present the following scorecard:

Price of being too tolerant of Muslims: 13 dead American Soldiers

Price of indulging in our mindless hatred of Muslims: 5,000 dead American soldiers and half a million dead Iraqi civilians.

Even a dimwitted habitual liar like Krauthammer should be able to add that one up.


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