Wingnut Wrapup

Again I want to point out that it has taken me two days to compile what would have been a mediocre single day's output of wingnut garbage just a few months ago. I don't mention this as a joke. A lot of what is going to happen in the next few years seems to depend on how long these people can maintain their ignorant rage. Right now, there are some good signs that they are losing the battle, but it sure doesn't take much to get them started again.

Kevin Fobbs, Renew America: "Magic Mirror on the Wall, who is the fairest one of all?" was uttered by the wicked Queen in the 1937 Walt Disney animated movie 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The question which many have speculated over was whether or not this movie's focus on the dark side of magic acted perhaps as a springboard for reliance on other-world forces to forecast the truth? Or was the future set into motion by a reliance to turn away from faith and God and toward occult or then ever-growing spiritualist movement?"

Yes, serious speculation about the overwhelming, earth destroying evil which has emanated from a Disney Cartoon. Heaven help us if Kevin ever finds out about Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Steve Kellmeyer, Renew America: "Why the left loves Islam- On the surface, it seems a great mystery. Why would the leftist liberals who embrace abortion, homosexual rights, pornography, free love, sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll find Islam so endearing?"

Steve, maybe they don't love Islam. Maybe that's just one more slimy racist lie that you guys made up all by yourselves. When you look at it that way, it all starts to make sense, doesn't it?

In fact, given that you are the guys who hate abortion, homosexual rights, pornography, free love, sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, and all the other things radical Muslims hate, maybe you are the ones that are really like Al Qaida and the Iranian Shiites. I'm putting my money on that one.

Renew America: "Liberal media 'whitewashed' evils of communism, new study documents"

A new study by Brent Bozell, who brought us half of the ugly Republican smears of the last couple of decades. I wonder what they mean by the word "study," anyway.

Chuck Baldwin, Renew America: "Look at the heroes of liberal historians and who do you find? Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt. Not by accident, these same historians will extol the virtues of Hammurabi, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and Napoleon. All these men have one thing in common: they were responsible for expanding (either by force or fraud) a centralized government."

What? The same people who like FDR like Julius Caesar and Napoleon? And I love the idea that Hammurabi was a big government liberal. How stupid do they think people are?

Oh, wait- they're talking to the teabaggers. I get it now.

So here's a big issue on the right today- the decision to actually give Khalid Sheik Mohammed a trial. I could have provided you with dozens of specimens of wingnut lunacy on this issue. I decided to stop with three:

James Gaylean, Red State: "The Criminal Justice System Is Not The Proper Place To Determine Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s Fate"

No, but apparently a torture chamber, where he was waterboarded 160 times, is. Real American thinking there, James. But you still have a long way to go to catch up to the real masters:

Erick Erickson, Red State: "What do Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of the September 11th terrorist attacks, and uninsured 20 year olds have in common? In Barack Obama’s America, they both go to jail — but the terrorist has to be convicted first."

Okay. Let's get the little part of this out of the way first. Of course the thing about the uninsured 20 year old going to jail is a lie. That goes without saying. Now, on to the other part. Erick, maybe this has escaped your attention, but Khalid Sheik Mohammed was captured in March, 2003. He's been in our custody ever since- six and a half years. In what sense did he have to be "convicted first" before we put him in jail?

Let me answer that question myself: In no sense. Not surprising, but both halves of Erick's comparison were lies.

Pam the Stupid, Atlas Shrugs: "Obama Reduces September 11th Act of War on America to a Law Enforcement Issue"

Whereas you guys are much happier to keep it as a matter of torture and revenge. I'll stick with law enforcement.

Alan Keyes, World Net Daily: "Do we Americans still care to be free?"

Probably not if it involves having to listen to you, Alan. But thanks for asking.


M. Bouffant said…
Their capacity for outrage seems never-ending.

We may never see "Peak Wing-nut."
Green Eagle said…
I won't be surprised if you turn out to be right, unfortunately, but we can always hope.

Just call me little miss Pollyanna.

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