
It wasn't a big margin and we had to accept a lot of crap to get there, but the medical care reform bill passed the house.

Don't you wish a day would come when congress could pass some needed legislation without having to let Republicans pander to their ignorant, stupid base, and include some more big giveaways to the rich?

I mean, a day when we have a country again with two parties that care about our fate, instead of being stuck with one party that is nothing but a bunch of seditious, corrupt cowards?


Derek said…
You do realize that Democrats make 7% more on average? The Republican party is the party of the middle class, not the rich as you like to claim. And you call me ignorant, bah!
Green Eagle said…

The Republican party is the party of the stupid.

It exists to serve the top 1/10 of 1% of the population. All the rest of its teabaggers, ranters and furious, ignorant would be fascists are nothing but suckers. That's why the other 99.99% of them make less than Democrats.

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