Wingnut Wrapup- PelosiCare Edition

A good crop of lies today, as I thought there might be after the right's stunning loss in the House last night. Forgive me if I'm not so casual about some of it. Conservatives are not good losers, and it shows:

Little Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "The depraved and degenerate Democrat party is using the "distraction" of the biggest terror attack on a US military base in history to ram through healthcare today. Nazi Pelosi is the poster girl for this century's national socialism."

Madness, how do I count thy ways? After a ten month fight, the Dems had the vote when they did, because the whole country was obsessed by a mass murder. First, false. Second, maybe you guys should keep your eyes on the important stuff, instead of constantly looking for a new excuse to spew out your racism, huh?

And finally, an extra star, Pammy, for getting the Hitler thing in there again.

Pajamas Media: "Yesterday, in the dead of night, the U.S. House of Representatives took a small step for Nancy Pelosi and a giant step for despotism."

"The dead of night!!!!" On national TV, of course. Get a life, Pajamas guys.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Pelosicare price controls will bankrupt health insurers in one year."

Oh God, if only that were true. Maybe it would stop the next bunch of business criminals from trying to steal us blind.

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Pelosi ObamaCare passage: Marxists on way to controlling all of us"

Oh Sher, you're so cute with your Marxism thing. You just never give up, do you? You know where you are going wrong? Study Pammy- you need to mix a little more Hitler in there.

And on to the rest:

Salina Zeto, Town Hall: "Much will be said in the coming weeks about Sarah Palin and the Republican Party-- especially after the Democratic "upset" in the Congressional race in New York’s 23rd District"

When the Democrats win a seat they have not held for 140 years, it's not an upset, it's only an "upset." How could that be? Let's turn to the experts:

Erik Florack, Pajamas Media: "Lesson from NY-23: Of Course Conservatives Can Win- Had the Republicans actually gotten behind Doug Hoffman from the start, there's no question he could have won."

Erik, Republicans could have won in that district if they got behind Snuffy the Dancing Bear. They didn't get behind your lunatic. Think it over- maybe you'll figure it out.

Rush Limbaugh: "The huge story of New York-23 is the shambles the Republican Party made of it. They nominated a horrendous candidate: A liberal Republican. She was far more liberal than this Owens guy, who ended up winning."

I see, Rush. Democrats winning was actually a victory for the right. Back on the Hillbilly Heroin again, I guess.

More Little Pammy: "Bush our Proxy President: Bush at Fort Hood, Obama at Camp David"

Our "proxy president." Because he didn't do enough damage when he was the real president?

And now for some award winning commentary. First, the award for the most sickening smear of the day:

Confederate Yankee: "Liberals Finally Got the Military Murders They've Been Asking For

Disdain for the military is a constant theme on the political left, a group that has consistently portrayed soldiers as violent psychopaths and babykillers for far longer than I've been alive. I've noted images of progressive protesters carrying signs attacking the troops on numerous occasions.

These same liberals must have been thrilled yesterday afternoon to discover that an officer opened fire on our troops. It's time for them to break out their magic markers and pen new signs to praise Major Nidal Malik Hasan for doing what they've asked.

So what say you, progressives... was the massacre of American soldiers all you dreamed it might be?"

Tasty, huh? Next, the "Don't Get the Concept" award, to a perpetual candidate in this category:

Frank Gaffney, Newsmax: "As Fort Hood Tragedy Unfolds, Obama Is Politician in Chief"

Frank, that's what the president is. What did you expect him to do, grab his six-shooter and blast it out with the guy personally? I mean, that's what your "proxy president" Bush would have done, right? In his dreams, while he hid under his desk.

And now, the Gratuitous Hatred Certificate:

Russ J. Allen, Renew America: "We need to be "troubled" at the probability that there won't be a backlash against Muslims. Our political correctness will be the ruination of our country."

And the coveted Medal for Delusion Above and Beyond the Call of Duty:

James V. DeLong, Pajamas Media: "The frenetic hostility to Sarah Palin, even by many on the Republican side, is unnerving, because her qualifications to be president are objectively better than those of almost anyone who has been on the national ticket over the past decade."

Or maybe the last thousand years. Her "qualifications" being big breasts, ignorance, contempt for personal responsibility, greed and hatred.

Now, the very small cup for stupidest conspiracy theory of the day:

Breaking! World Net Daily Exclusive: "U.S. troops' continental insignia bears U.N. colors"

And finally, Green Eagle's favorite, the Grand Trophy for Projecting Our Own Behavior Onto Others:

Douglass K. Daniel, Town Hall: "GOP officials say Dems put agenda ahead of country"

"Democrats just don't get the election message from voters and are pushing a liberal, big government agenda at their party's peril, Republican officials said Sunday as they predicted a political price after the majority's victory on health care."

There you go. What a treat, huh?


Anonymous said…
"I see, Rush. Democrats winning was actually a victory for the right. Back on the Hillbilly Heroin again, I guess."

Actually, a lot of Rush's recent clips show him to be quite frantic and he seems to have lost quite a bit of weight.
I wonder if he's on the meth, rather than the hillbilly heroin.
M. Bouffant said…
I must respectfully disagree w/ your statement about Sarah Palin. Her breasts are not very big at all (at least by my de-based Hollywood standards).

Which only eliminates one question from the "What can they possibly see in this woman?" list.
Green Eagle said…
M. Bouffant:

Of course you are right. I was really referring to Sarah Palin's use of her own sexuality to manipulate pathetic right wing males into giving her what she wants. Women who engage in this behavior used to have a name: Whore. This is the original meaning of the term, before it became a synonym for the word "prostitute" in relatively recent times.

I'm not suggesting we call her that- I'm just making a linguistic comment here.

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