Wingnut Wrapup

A few treats, just to remind ourselves that, even though they've lost their moxie these days, they still haven't lost the stupid:

Town Hall: "With memories of NY-23 fresh in the minds of conservative activists, the fight over California’s GOP Senate nominee to potentially unseat Barbara Boxer has turned into a game of “who is conservative enough?”

You go, Republicans. We over here on the left love good news. Maybe David Duke is still available.

John Stossel, Town Hall: "The U.S. House of Presumptuous Meddlers"

i.e. The U.S. House of People who Pass Legislation. Wake up, John- that's their job. Of course, I don't remember you referring to the last Republican congress, when they were working as fast as they could to ruin the economy, as presumptuous meddlers. Funny, that.

David Solway, Pajamas Media: "Bush Is a Liar, Obama Is a Savior: The Rhetoric of Propaganda"

The rhetoric of truth, David. Stuff that in your fat, stupid mouth.

Rick Moran, Pajamas Media: "Should the GOP Help the Democrats Govern?"

Oh, no! Why would they ever do that? Why don't they help the Pakistanis and the Chinese and the Taliban instead? What would ever make you think that the opposition party has a responsibility to help govern? Far better for them to try to wreck the country, like they are doing now. Thanks for setting things straight on that issue, Rick.

Robin of Berkeley, American Thinker: "When Our Military is Attacked, Obama is a Nowhere Man"

First, Robin, our military wasn't attacked. Several members of it were murdered by a lunatic, whatever his motive. That is a crime, not an act of war. Now, the President was with the families of the victims. Apparently, to you, that is "nowhere." Shows what you really think of the military.

Ed Lasky, American Thinker: "Now the GOP are sexist pigs"

Now? NOW? As far as I can remember, they were always sexist pigs. It's sort of a GOP thing.

Stephen Spruiell, National Review Online: "Unholy Union- Why is SEIU boss Andrew Stern the White House’s most frequent visitor?"

What, you liked it better when it was the Friends of Jack Abramoff?

And now on to award time. First the finalists for the minuscule certificate for "Synthetic Scandal Least Likely to Take Hold:"

World Net Daily: "Dark secrets of AARP finally exposed to light"

Carol Gould, Pajamas Media: "Why Do So Few Immigrants Wear Poppies for UK's Remembrance Day?"

And now, the nominees for the Grand Award for Projecting Our Failings On Others:

Dick Morris, Town Hall: "The Myth of the Moderate Democrat"

Ben Shapiro, Town Hall: "There's nothing more offensive to the memory of those who die while serving our country than using them as props for a nonassociated political cause. Yet that is precisely what both the Army and our president have done repeatedly since the terrorist massacre of 13 American troops at Fort Hood."

No comment needed. Winners will be announced...probably never. Who cares. See you soon.


In My Opinion said…
Oh really?... Even the Fort Hood killings are going to be spun by the liberal press and the Obama administration.
Green Eagle said…
In my opinion:

I will go with you this far: Everything gets spun by someone on both sides. That's the kind of static that's just part of the process; we just have to live with the distortions of the ignorant, and try to see the truth through the noise.

Unfortunately, this is not an equal situation. We have reached a tragic point in this country where the Republican party deals in absolutely nothing but lies. This is because the party exists to serve no one but the ultra rich, and for them to admit the truth is to lose all support from the rest of the populace.

A classic example of this is the persistent claim about the "liberal press." We need not speculate about this, as Richard Viguere, one of the most powerful Republicans in the last several decades, and a participant in the creation of this myth, has told the story of its origins during the Reagan administration. The purveyors of this canard knew it was false from the beginning, and spread it deliberately, to cover the fact that the United States has by far the most right wing press in the industrialized world. This is the clear, undisputed history of the myth of the liberal press; undisputed in the world of fact, of course. Those who choose to believe that the world is 6,000 years old, or that Jesus railed against homosexuality and abortion, while having nothing to say about our responsibility to the poor, the strangers among us, the disposessed, may decide to think otherwise.
Derek said…
"Wake up, John- that's their job"

It is also their duty to protect and uphold the US constitution, yet i don't see them doing that very often.

The rhetoric of truth, David"

You never have shown how Bush lied, and I have numerous samples of Obama lying (just flip through his campaign promises).

Now? NOW? As far as I can remember, they were always sexist pigs. It's sort of a GOP thing."

19th Amendment: written by a Republican, passed by Republicans.

"What, you liked it better when it was the Friends of Jack Abramoff?"

Actually yes.

"the Republican party deals in absolutely nothing but lies"

Yet you never have exposed one lie. Either you are lying or you are a terrible blogger.

"A classic example of this is the persistent claim about the "liberal press.""

Do you still have that Harvard study I gave you?

"Those who choose to believe that the world is 6,000 years old, or that Jesus railed against homosexuality and abortion, while having nothing to say about our responsibility to the poor, the strangers among us, the disposessed, may decide to think otherwise."

The Earth is 4.6 billion years old, Jesus said homosexuality is a sin, killing is a sin as well, and yes you are right that he told us to be selfless and love the unloveable.

But I bet you are going to try and hammer scripture until it fits your mold of big government, right? We have the choice to be charitable, the choice to love, the choice to practice good. I don't need big brother government to do my good works for me. Maybe that is the key difference between you and me, Ge. You would rather have someone do good and be righteous in your stead.

As a side note, I'd like to point out that Republicans give 30% more to charity than Democrats, even though Democrats make 7% more.

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