Joe's Revenge

From a Newsweek article by Jonathan Alter:

"Senate colleagues say Lieberman is consumed by his resentment toward liberals... For Lieberman, defeating health-care reform would be the fulfillment of a revenge fantasy."

And there you have it- exactly the argument I have been making for several years now. This monumental, colossal egomaniac seethes with fury every day of his life that the Democrats didn't understand that he is the only person qualified to speak for them, and to run the country. Thus, our entire national agenda is held hostage to this one disgusting man's ego and anger.

And let's not forget the icing on the cake: Lieberman's petty, vindictive, self-serving corruption is portrayed by him and his enablers in the beltway press as some sort of high-minded religious fervor. Of course, we get the same papering over of corruption with fake religion regarding so many Republicans, but it is particularly galling to have to own this guy.

I know I like to beat up on Joe, but really, there isn't a more dishonest, corrupt politician in the country today.


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