A Great Moment in Right Wing Lies

Here is something I rarely do: I am going to reprint a right wing blog post in its entirety. It is from a not particularly extreme blog I check out daily, and no, I will not identify it or link to it. You'll just have to trust me on this one:

They've just started a KSM Defense Fund.

After all, KSM was "arrested" without a search warrant, he was not read his Miranda rights, and his "confessions" were only a result of torutre.

He's just a garden-variety Muslim arrested for being anti-Bushitlerhaliburtoncheneymcchimpy.

Honorary Chairs for the event:

Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Danny Clover, Susan Sarandon and Rosie O'Donnell.

The event is co-sponsored by the CCR, the ACLU, CODE PINK, J-STREET, ACORN, the SEIU and the Democratic National Committee.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Dr. Zawahiri and Shekih Osama Bin Laden will address the crowd via satellite.

With a special written appeal by KSM HIMSELF!

All proceeds to benefit the KSM Defense Fund and to pay for his defense by Ramsey Clark, Lynn Stewart, and Eric Holder.

They will prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

This is why Obama is dithering in Afghanistan: the real criminals are in Crawford!"

Yes, if you made it this far, you read that right. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the ACLU, ACORN, the SEIU and the Democratic National Committee are joining together with Osama Bin Laden to try to free Khalid Sheik Mohammad. I reprinted this in its entirety so you can see that there is not one shred of an indication that this story is not true, and not one clue that its authors see it as some kind of satire. I will stick my neck out so far as to assert with utter confidence that the purpose of this article, and others like it, is to fool as many of the ignorant as possible, while maintaining some ground to claim that it was just a joke if it gets any attention.

There you go. Is there any lie too big for them to tell?


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