Grand Foreign Policy Strategy

This trenchant observation, from the ever-thoughtful Erick Erickson at Red State:

"With President Obama having concluded his trip through one of the fastest-dying regions of the planet, complete with literal prostrations to a symbolic Emperor and metaphorical prostrations to an Emperor in all but name, this is as good a time as any to ask whether his Administration has developed a coherent foreign policy grand strategy yet."

A "coherent grand strategy." You mean, like, waste three trillion dollars in useless aggression, make the whole world hate us, fill eight years with impotent, belligerent blather, and at the same time cozy up to the people (Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) who are really financing our enemies? Now that's a grand strategy, right, Erick?

And it worked out so well.


magpie said…
"one of the fastest-dying regions of the planet..."

Japanese are among the longest lived people in the developed world, and the Asia-Pacific region is the fastest growing economic region on the planet.

"literal prostrations..."

They bow in Japan. That's just what they do.
They known to eat rice for breakfast too.

" a symbolic Emperor"

The head of state in a constitutional monarchy, as set out by in the constitution framed by Americans.
What was Obama meant to do? Speak to Queen Elizabeth II and King Abdullah, but to snub Akihito?
Green Eagle said…
He is meant to fail. So everything he does is presented as a failure. Because to these stupid, corrupt people, nothing will do until Republicans are returned to power, so they can continue their systematic destruction of America.
Derek said…
"They bow in Japan. That's just what they do. "

Rofl. Karate kid level of knowledge about Japan.

"What was Obama meant to do? Speak to Queen Elizabeth II and King Abdullah, but to snub Akihito?"

No, he shouldn't bow to anyone. Why? Because he is only subservient to God and the American people. This is worse than a Bush-backrub, it actually has diplomatic repercussions.
Poll P. said…
No American president every should be or will be subservient to God. The president is the servant of the American people, some of whom believe in one god or another, and some bow to no god. God is irrelevant when it comes to the chief executive making choices of action and emphasis for America.
magpie said…
Derek, you're talking crap as usual.

And regarding my "Karate kid level of knowledge about Japan"....

I lived in Japan for years, am married to a Japanese woman, and speak, read and write the language fluently.

I'll wager I know a bit more about the place than you do.
Derek said…
"God is irrelevant when it comes to the chief executive making choices of action and emphasis for America."

Do you believe Obama when he says he is a Christian? If you do, then you agree that he is subservient to God and the American people.
Derek said…
"I'll wager I know a bit more about the place than you do."

I'll wager that even Japanese press were embarrassed about Obama's karate kid level of knowledge about Japan and his bow.

Yes they bow in Japan, but not like that and US presidents don't bow before other leaders. Period.
magpie said…
No. They expect foreigners to be foreign.

Seeing as you would rather Obama have not have bowed at all (as you willfully misrepresent a moment of manners as somehow being some great act of national betrayal) it’s rather self-contradictory for you to then attempt to sledge him for not bowing “properly”, don’t you think?
Derek said…
"then attempt to sledge him for not bowing “properly”, don’t you think?'

If he were to bow in the manner they bow in Japan then it wouldn't have been as bad, but he shouldn't bow at all is what I am saying. Lord I hope I meet him soon, I going ask where is my bow?

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