Wingnut Wrapup

It's been a while. Here's a little fun for anyone who cares:

World Net Daily: "Shooter advised Obama transition-Fort Hood triggerman aided team on Homeland Security task force"

Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Major Muslim Hasan Participated in Homeland Security Panel for Obama"

Two sources for a particularly preposterous lie that conservatives are enjoying today. There's just no end to their ability to swallow this sort of thing, is there? Tomorrow: "Charlie Manson appointed newest Obama Czar!"

World Net Daily: "Congressman 'amazed' by turnout at Capitol- GOP's Franks: Americans 'don't want health-care monstrosity shoved down their throats"

Or at least the 2-4,000 Americans that they managed to turn out for their latest public tantrum. That Congressman Franks guy is apparently pretty easy to amaze.

Face it: The teabag movement is dead. The teabaggers all ran out of Geritol and went home.

World Net Daily: "Obama divulges Malia's grades, not his own"

This is Green Eagle's nomination for the most pathetic right wing smear of the day. Really, guys, is this all you've got?

World Net Daily: "Conservatives couldn't overcome 2-party system in New York"

I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but I bet it didn't mean "they didn't get enough votes." You know, that's all it takes to "overcome" the 2-party system.

Jonah Goldberg, Town Hall: "The End of an Era That Never Began"

What? Dick Cheney's thousand year Reich? The Golden Age of Jonah Goldberg's Plus-80 IQ?

Jillian Bandes, Town Hall: "On Short Notice, Conservatives Turn Out Against Obamacare"

Yeah Jillian, all 4,000 of them. Back in the sixties, we could get 4,000 students to turn out on short notice at any State university in the country, to protest cafeteria food. And we didn't have a national news network, a major political party and millions of corporate dollars behind us.

Linda Chavez, Town Hall: "Blueprint for GOP Victories"

How about this blueprint, Linda: Stop lying every day and actually try to make this a better country?

Nicholas Guariglia, Pajamas Media: "The Three Wartime Instincts Obama Lacks"

Oh, let's guess: Invading the wrong country, forgetting to go after the guy that really attacked us, and not bothering to figure out a way to win. After all, that's your way to wage a war, right?

Gateway Pundit: "SEN. BOXER BREAKS SENATE RULES… Passes Cap-&-Tax Out of Committee Without Single GOP Member in Attendance"

Oh boo hoo. The Republicans were "boycotting" the committee, of course, i.e. throwing a juvenile fit because they couldn't win through democratic means. So, Republicans aren't rulebreakers, right? Just corrupt, anti-American brats.

Gateway Pundit: "Disgusting… After Dithering For 2 Minutes Obama Finally Gets Around to Discussing Ft. Hood Massacre"

Two minutes. Gateway guy, do I have to bring up My Pet Goat again? Boy, conservatives have short memories.


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