David Broder- Where Did This Guy Come From?

The "Dean of our National Press Corps," providing us with one more example of why our country is so totally screwed:

"It is evident from the length of this deliberative process and from the flood of leaks that have emerged from Kabul and Washington that the perfect course of action does not exist. Given that reality, the urgent necessity is to make a decision -- whether or not it is right."

Can anyone really be this stupid? Or is Broder lending his voice to the demands that Obama cave in and do what the wingnuts and neocons want, even though they know it will only lead to further disaster?

"The cost of indecision is growing every day."

Really, David? How? And how does that cost compare to the cost of doing the wrong thing? I'm thinking Iraq here. And Katrina. And turning the economy over to Wall Street thieves. And allowing our health care to become secondary to the profit of a few hundred CEO's.

What in God's name do you think the cost of making the wrong decision is, David? Or are you so invested in Obama's failure, as a sort of victory for your beloved, if nonexistent "bipartisanship," that you will do everything you can to force him to fail?


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