Bye, Lou

Breaking News from the world of Pseudo-Journalism, from the New York Times:

"Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor whose anti-immigration views have made him a TV lightning rod, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately."

What a loss, huh? For those of you who don't speak media language, in this case, the term "lightning rod" can be roughly translated as "lying racist prick."

“I’m considering a number of options and directions,” Mr. Dobbs added. "

Want to take a guess how many of those "options" involve Fox News?

"CNN indicated that it would name a replacement for Mr. Dobbs on Thursday morning."

I hear that Gollum is available.

"Mr. Dobbs met with Roger Ailes, the chairman of the Fox News Channel, in September. At the time Mr. Dobbs was viewed as a potential hire for the Fox Business Network. But a Fox spokesperson said Wednesday, “We have not had any discussions with Lou Dobbs for Fox News or Fox Business.”

No discussions with Dobbs. Well, then, I must be wrong. After all, if the information came from Fox News, it must be true, right?

Well, good luck, Lou, wherever you end up. I'm sure it will be much more comfy, one rung closer to Hell.


Poll P. said…
Good riddance. But as you imply, we haven't seen the last of him yet.
Basil Plumley said... said…
What would you ass holes know about the truth?
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, right, Basil. What would us assholes know about the truth, anyway?

Thanks for the constructive input. I'm sure we all appreciate your contribution to our national political discussion.

Well, at least you kept it brief and punchy. I give you points for that. Come back any time.
I'm fed up with all these bastards and I'mk not going to take it anymore! said…
Bye, Van Jones, Bye, Anita Dunn, Good ridance to you allyou FUCKING Commie bastards. Get out of my country!
Green Eagle said…
YOUR country? It's Our country and we want YOU to get out!

Just kidding there, Mr. Fed Up. Thanks for your valuable insight. Come back any time. Green Eagle feeds on people like you. Yes, we've heard it before- wingnuts are lacking in nutritional value, but what does a parrot know?
Anonymous said…
"Get out of my country!"?

Wow, this guy has his own country.
It's good to be king, isn't it?

However, my advice is:
Take the meds.

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