Pat Robertson Speaks His Mind

That great man of religion (oh yes, and collaborator with the worst African dictators)Pat Robertson yesterday, on the TV network that we have stupidly allowed him to own ( from Dave Niewert at Crooks and Liars:)

"...if we don't stop covering up what Islam is -- Islam is a violent -- I was gonna say religion, but it's not a religion, it's a political system, a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and -- and -- and world domination. That is the ultimate aim.

And they talk about infidels and all this -- but the truth is, that's what the game is. So you're dealing with a -- not a religion, you're dealing with a political system.

And I think we should treat it as such, and treat its adherents as such, as we would members of the Communist Party or members of some fascist group."

Niewert is absolutely correct in what he has to say about this contemptible specimen of hatred; I have more to add (as usual.)

So, Islam is not a religion. Maybe its adherents aren't even human beings, huh Pat? And as for being bent on the overthrow of governments of the world, and world domination, remember the crusades, do you? Or what about your fellow "Christians" in this country (including yourself) who look forward to a nation governed by their own personal delusions about what the Bible says? That's not the same, is it? After all, it's okay when you spread hate and violence, because God is on your side, right?

Now, on to your comment about treating Muslims as we would members of the Communist party. Exactly how? The last I heard, it's perfectly legal to be a member of the Communist party in this country, Pat. It never got anyone anywhere, but you are still allowed to believe what you want in America. So, what are you proposing, exactly? Maybe we should liquidate Muslims and Communists? That's what your comment sounds like to me. Is that what you are advocating? That you personally, because of your claim that they threaten people like you, have the right to eliminate whole segments of the world's population? We've heard enough talk lately about Hitler, but this notion is truly and literally Hitlerian.

Now let me have done with this evil nonsense already. When Pat talks about "a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and -- and -- and world domination" and " members of some fascist group" he is exactly describing himself and his fellow right wing "Christians." The threat to this country comes from them, and the hatred they live by, not from the billions of peaceful Muslims that he would casually destroy, given the chance.


Green Eagle said…

I've been to your website and I respect the tremendous amount of detailed information you have compiled. Further, I agree with you that there are some extremely troubling aspects of Islam which go back to the aggressive, violent tactics which its founder used to spread the religion, and are consequently very difficult to change.

Nevertheless, as someone who has lived in the Mideast and worked with numerous Muslims, I cannot reconcile your blanket characterizations with my experience of them.

I believe, based on my experience, that, like people everywhere, most Muslims want nothing more than to live a decent life.

We are confronting, in our own country, a significant minority which embraces hatred, intolerance and warmongering. Yet that does not mean the rest of us are like that. The same is true over there, as far as I was able to see.

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