Ron Paul Solves the Ebola Crisis

Let me just talk about one of the stupidest things in the whole history of right wing stupidity:

Former Congressman and White Supremacist Ron Paul:

 "Liberty, Not Government, Key to Containing Ebola"

That is going to work great, right?  Liberty, whatever the hell he means by that word this time around, is somehow going to substitute for the billions that it takes to develop a vaccine with no hope of any kind of financial return on the investment, and to mobilize the thousands that it takes to deliver it in an often hostile environment.  Well, let's hear more:

"President Obama's response to the Ebola crisis has been to send 3,000 troops to West African countries to help with treatment and containment. Obama did not bother to seek congressional authorization for this overseas military deployment. Nor did he bother to tell the American people how long the mission would last, how much it would cost, or what section of the Constitution authorizes him to send US troops on "humanitarian" missions."

Mr. Paul does not get around to explaining where the Constitution authorizes a President to lie the country into a three trillion dollar war, or deliberately allow the financial industry to decimate the economy.  I guess that is in the part of the Constitution which I have mentiond before, which is written in invisible ink which only right wingers can read.

"The people of Liberia and other countries would be better off if the US government left them alone. Leave it to private citizens to invest in African business and trade with the African people."

How, exactly, this is going to stop a deadly epidemic is not explained, nor is any clue given about what is going to motivate private companies, that won't even pay their workers a living wage, to spend billions stamping out an epidemic with no hope of a return on their investment.  Try explaining that to those legendary stockholders to whom the company has a fiduciary responsibility to see to it that they get every cent the company can extract from the world.   Former Congressman Paul continues:

"Legitimate concerns about protecting airline passengers from those with Ebola or other infectious diseases can best be addressed by returning responsibility for passenger safety to the airlines."

A suggestion which is so insane that it does not deserve a serious response, as is Senator Paul's parting shot:

"The Ebola crisis is also another example of how US foreign aid harms the very people we are claiming to help. Limiting government at home and abroad is the best way to protect health and freedom."

The exact mechanism whereby U.S. foreign aid caused the Ebola outbreak is not something that Mr. Paul cares to explain, of course.

This is the standard sort of brain-dead repetition of long disproved right wing cant, that passes for deep Conservative thinking.  These are the lies that are being used to destroy our country, while no one with a real voice will speak the truth.


Magpie said…
"Legitimate concerns about protecting airline passengers from those with Ebola or other infectious diseases can best be addressed by returning responsibility for passenger safety to the airlines."

Because due diligence has already been tested by virtue of the fact that lost luggage, overbooked flights and faulty headsets have never once occurred in the entire history of civil aviation. Why bother with a medical expert regarding your lethal infections when you can just avail yourself of the expertise afforded by the average flight attendant?
ez said…
Which republican will be first to float the suggestion with "I'm not saying we should do it, but wouldn't a few Atomic Bombs eliminate the disease and the carriers? '

(sorry for the double post)
Anonymous said…
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Weird Dave said…
Sorry GE, I know I shouldn't feed the trolls...

If the theory about ED68 being brought into America by unaccompanied children is correct I would expect a correlation between the unaccompanied children and the outbreak locations.

Did you even read the Snopes article? ED68 has been in America since at least 1987.
BTW, Snopes is not my Bible.
Green Eagle said…
Weird Dave,

You are welcome to say anything you want here, including replying to my current lame-brained right wing troll (the source of the two deleted comments, obviously.) Believe me, I understand the conflict between wanting to smack these infantile jerks down, and not wanting to encourage them to continue.
Erik said…
What's with Ron Paul and air travel? Privatizing the FAA, replacing it with a computer, etc. Does he still get wood from the '81 air traffic controller strike?
Green Eagle said…
What's with Ron Paul and everything? Here's something I've become interested in lately: Ted Cruz. Ron Paul and the Koch Brothers, the heavy weight of the Republicans these days, were all raised by certifiably crazy right wing fathers. I haven't been able to make much of this yet, but it's on my radar.

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