Green Eagle Goes A'Marchin

So Green Eagle went to the only Los Angeles area gathering for Impeach Obama Week 2, in Simi Valley, home of the jury that acquitted the police who beat Rodney King.

It was quite the event, attracting an attendance of eight, pretty much par for the course for one of these things (that's not counting Green Eagle himself, of course- that would hardly be fair as he was not really an enthusiastic participant.)  Well, here's the evidence of the atrocity:

This is going to bring Obama down in short order, yes sir!   I included the last picture because it is of a guy who, when he found out that I didn't exactly agree with their notions, started proudly asking me a bunch of hostile questions revolving around whether I was Jewish.  As you can see, he was quite pleased with himself for this bit of analysis, since who could be against racism and hatred except a Jew?

Now for the math:  There are, let's say, about ten million people in the Los Angeles area, and eight of them showed up for this event; i.e. one for every 1.25 million.  That would work out, in the U.S. population to about 253 people which, given the turnout of 130 or so at the last couple of national Impeach Obama rallies, might not be far off.  In all fairness, I'm sure the ratio is much more favorable in Alabama or Louisiana, where raising stupid people has been long ago elevated to an art form, but still, I don't think that Barack has to start packing just yet.

I would like to add that, in some sense, Green Eagle is very proud of himself, because, after talking to three or four of these people, it became very clear that they all learned everything they ever knew about politics from reading Wingnut Wrapup.


Magpie said…
“started proudly asking me a bunch of hostile questions revolving around whether I was Jewish”

Typical. Doesn’t matter what you say – all that matters is who/what you are, that being qualification or disqualification of whatever your point is.

Reminds me of the time I was pointing out what a murderous bastard regime Pinochet ran, and the response was “you only say that because he was white”.
We've got loons like this in Australia too, if some of the letters to the local newspapers are any indication (one I read only today claimed that both of the two main political parties in this country are effectively Communist. News flash people! The Cold War's been over for more than two decades now!). That said, the rallies we've periodically held here to protest our own leader (the Mad Monk Tony Abbott) have tended to be a lot more impressive, although they've not been without their own lunatic fringe (such as folk marching with signs exhorting the sheeple to learn the TRUTH about chemtrails, fluoride and the lizard people). I was also decidedly unimpressed when, at the last one I went to, we were all enjoined at one point to start chanting in support of the Palestinian Intifada (I seem to recall my reaction to that being something along the lines of "I didn't sign up for this shit!").
Zog said…
I don't know where they get the idea that you're Jewish. If they ran into Lev, they'd agree with everything he has to say about Arabs.

Speaking of Lev, you really ought to check out his latest comment. (I'm guessing he didn't comment yesterday because it was Saturday.)

Yep, Green Eagle has been accusing a Jew of being a rampant anti-Semite. Turns out Sam240 is one of Lev's relatives.

That's one family reunion I'd like to get a ringside seat to.
Green Eagle said…
Sad to say, Zog, there are many Jews who have swallowed whole the malignant narrative that Jews are colonialist oppressors when they return to their homeland. You only need to listen to Amy Goodman's comments on Israel to know how thoroughly they can fall for the carefully crafted propaganda from the Muslim world. So, as sad as it is to say it, I don't think there is that much that is strange about the notion of Jewish antisemites.
Green Eagle said…
1) What is the homeland of Connie Chung?

I don't give a damn.

2) What is the homeland of Cameron Kerry (John's brother)?

I don't give a damn about that either

3) What is the homeland of Bob Nystrom (he scored the Stanley Cup-winning goal for the New York Islanders in 1980)?

Huh? New York Islanders in 1980? Are you crazy?

4) What is the homeland of Ivanka Trump?

I care even less about that than zi care about the first three questions.

5) I live in the United States, and have no desire to live anywhere else. I am also a Jew. What is my homeland?

Probably somewhere on the moon. Israel is where Jews originated from. It's their homeland in the same way that Italy is the place that Italian Americans came from, or Ireland is the place Irish-Americans come from. It would be an outrage to say that they have no right to live in those countries because of their religion or race, but to people like you it is perfectly okay to deny that right to Jews. That is racism.
Sam240 said…
Let me give you a hint for questions 1 to 4.

Connie Chung, Cameron Kerry, Bob Nystrom, and Ivanka Trump are all Jews. Does that make Israel their homeland?

None of them were born Jews; all of them converted. Is Israel still their homeland?

"Israel is where Jews originated from." - Green Eagle.

I didn't know Israel is where Connie Chung originated from. I didn't know Cameron Kerry's ancestors came from Israel. Bob Nystrom? Ivanka Trump? Does they currently originate from Israel, but didn't originate from Israel when they were born?

The mind boggles.

"What is my homeland?" -- Me.

"Probably somewhere on the moon." -- Green Eagle

Now you're claiming that I'm not even human, and that I don't belong in the United States.

"It's their homeland in the same way that Italy is the place that Italian Americans came from, or Ireland is the place Irish-Americans come from."

Green Eagle, I have ancestors who were Italian Jews. I can go to Italy and point to some buildings that they lived in before they arrived in Castle Garden. Those people came to the United States from Italy.

I can't trace my family tree back to anywhere in current-day Israel. It's probable that some of my ancestors lived there, but I can't prove it. I can't point to anywhere specific in Israel and say, "My ancestors lived there."

In my case, which would come closer to your definition of homeland? Italy or Israel?

" It would be an outrage to say that they have no right to live in those countries because of their religion or race,"

and yet you would deny people the right to live in Israel based on their religion.

You would say that people like Bob Nystrom, Cameron Kerry, and Connie Chung have the right to live in Israel because they are Jews, but that their Christian relatives have no such right.

You would say that Sarah Avraham currently belongs in Israel, because she was a Jew, but would have denied her the right to move there in 2007, because she was a Hindu.

Does Robert Frager have the right to live in Israel? He was born Jewish, but since converted to Islam. In Rufeisen v Minister of the Interior, (1962) 16 PD 2428, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that a convert from Judaism is not permitted to live in Israel. The 1970 Law of Return specifically prohibits Jews who converted to another religion from invoking any right to live in Israel. Therefore, Robert Frager would be denied the right to live in Israel, purely because of this religious beliefs.

You argue that Israel has the right to decide who can move in and who can't, purely on the basis of their religious beliefs. That is discrimination. That is rank bigotry. You are defending Israel's decision to engage in religious discrimination, and therefore you are a bigot.
Sam240 said…
" It's their homeland in the same way that Italy is the place that Italian Americans came from, or Ireland is the place Irish-Americans come from. It would be an outrage to say that they have no right to live in those countries because of their religion or race"

I would say that they have no right to preferential treatment because of their ethnic background.

To say people with Irish ancestors, but live outside Ireland, have more of a right to move there than people without Irish ancestors, is pure racism.

People of Irish ancestry have no right to "return" to Ireland and drive out people living there who didn't have Irish ancestry. To insist otherwise is racist.

Similarly, I have no right to move to Italy and drive out people who were born there, but didn't have Italian ancestry. My family might have lived there for generations, but that should not give me any special right to Italian citizenship.

So why should I have the special right to move to Israel and drive out people who were born there, but didn't have Jewish ancestry?

You are saying that I should have that special right. You are saying that all Jews should have that special right. You are being a racist.
Zog said…
Oooooooh, this is getting fun. Let me ask a question, too.

If Irish-Americans have Ireland as their homeland, and Italian-Americans have Italy as their homeland, what's the homeland of someone with mixed Dutch, Thai, African-American, Native American, and Chinese ancestry?
Weird Dave said…
Well, Mr. Eagle, I would like to thank you for braving this group of sincerely wrongheaded folks.

Especially amusing is the bit about how someone who disagrees with them must be Jewish. I guess that makes me an honorary Jew.

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