Marcella Hazan

It is with great sadness that I report the death of Marcella Hazan yesterday at age 89.  She was the writer of the greatest of all Italian cookbooks in English, and in my opinion one of the greatest cookbooks ever.  Originally published in two volumes, The Classic Italian Cookbook and More Classic Italian Cooking, it was republished in a single volume as Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking.  Rather than a picture of Marcella, I will show you a picture of this book, which belongs on the shelf of anyone who cares about Italian food:
What is amazing about this cookbook is that everyone, from beginners to experienced cooks, can find things to make in it, and unlike any other Italian cookbook I have ever seen, the results invariably taste exactly the way they do in Italy.  If you've only eaten Italian food in this country, chances are her recipes for such classics as Ragu Bolognese or Minestrone ala Romagna will be a total revelation to you.  I cannot recommend it too highly.


Cirze said…
Thank you.

My favorite cook book.

What a loss.

She was a truly great lady (and cook!).
Poll P. said…
I have enjoyed the results of these recipes for years, and can attest to their excellence. RIP.
(O)CT(O)PUS said…
Thank you for the cookbook tip. I don't have it on my shelf but I will look for it.

Cooking is important to me, not just because I like great tasting food, but because it affords an opportunity to bring family and friends together.

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