Ready to Raise Cain

In case the Repubicans are stupid or desperate enough to nominate Pizza maker Herman Cain to run for President, Green Eagle is already prepared with a bumper sticker:

There you go.


JohninOregon said…
That's perfect!
BB-Idaho said…
Cain's not able..nor are any of the others in that
bizarre bunch...
Shaw Kenawe said…
Brilliant! I'm so stealing that and putting it on my blog. (ok?)
Green Eagle said…
Of course- the more the merrier.

What innocent amusement we can get out of the Republican party, while we wait for the rapt...oops, too late.
Anonymous said…
Cain not only ran a business, but was also a math scientist working for the Navy. He know's how to turn a profit and will run the country better than A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER WITH A LAW DEGREE!!!!!!! JohninOreGONE = typical hippie.
Anonymous said…
Notice none of the liberal drones here stated why Cain is not able? Or why Obummer is??? Cain is a conservative, and that scares the welfare entitlement crowd.

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