The Big Stories, World Net Daily Style

So, as it's the end of the year, it's time for everybody to compile their top ten lists, right?  And why should World Net Daily be any different?  They are conducting their annual poll of the most neglected news stories of the year.  Isn't that exciting?  I won't bother to provide a link to the site, as you have to register with them in order to vote, and registering with WND is, in my opinion, only marginally different than being a registered member of NAMBLA.  What really interested me about this whole exercise in idiocy was the list they provided of the ten winners from last year's poll.  So, here they are, as a sort of little Christmas present, of course with Green Eagle's analysis of the press malfeasance that resulted in their inclusion on this list:

1. Evidence the Fort Hood mass murderer was an Islamic terrorist acting as part of a larger, radical Islamic movement

Well, given as how the "evidence" that this lunatic had anything to do with a "larger, radical Islamic movement" has proven to be totally nonexistent, leaving nothing to report on, I suppose we can understand why this one made the list.  Still, it was a good opportunity to spread more lies about Muslims, so I guess it was a big missed opportunity

 2. The Tea Party movement, including the 9/12 Washington, D.C., rally

The teabaggers got too little attention?  Oh, come on, grow up.

 3. The "Climategate" leaked e-mails and the devastating, smoking-gun proof they offer of corrupt and grossly politicized junk science

Well, they did offer " devastating, smoking-gun proof" that right wingers will both tell and believe any lie, no matter how preposterous, if it justifies them in opposing government spending which serves no other purpose than the miserable excuse of saving our grandchildrens' lives.  So the press should have paid a lot more attention to the idea that a major part of the world's scientists are engaged in a massive fraud, for no discernible purpose whatever.

 4. Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president

Well, no World Net Daily list of things that don't get enough attention would be complete without savaging the press for not giving this ridiculous lie more credence.

 5. The true impact on Americans of Obama's health-care agenda

Well, I agree there.  Republicans have systematically deluded the American people with a billion dollar campaign to spread lies about this moderate initiative, and the press damned well should have made that clear.  Why don't I think that's what World Net Daily readers had in mind?

 6. The true impact on the U.S. and world economies of cap-and-trade, should it become law

The true impact, which is almost nothing, as far as anyone knows, except requiring corporations to pay for the damage they cause.  Once again, I don't think this is what they had in mind over there at WND.

 7. The true cause of the subprime meltdown that led to the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Let me guess:  It was Democrats pandering to Black people.

8. Obama's czars and other radical appointees

Apparently, the story here is that Democratic presidents are not allowed to appoint anyone to do anything, and the press should have made that clear.  That's an interesting notion.

 9. The Obama administration pushed for the legally ousted Honduran president to be put back in office and also called for a halt to Jewish residential construction in the Holy Land after the president insisted during the Iran protests that he could not interfere in another country's politics.

 First of all, the legally elected Honduran president was ousted in a military coup.  One of the truly neglected stories of last year was the American right, virtually to a man, siding with a military dictatorship rather than a democratically elected leader.  This was a real opportunity to examine exactly what kind of government they think we should have here at home.

Second, as a former resident of Israel, I'm damned sick of these perverted, racist right wingers blabbing away about something they know nothing about, and which seems to play some sort of a major role in their sick, apocalyptic fantasies.

10. The exposure of ACORN's criminality by a freelance undercover probe and the many criminal charges against the community organizing group tied to President Obama and the Democratic Party

Right wingers forced 23 State and Federal investigations of ACORN.  ACORN was exonerated in every single one of those investigations.  Then they had a sick Republican liar compile some phony smears of ACORN, which World Net Daily refers to as " a freelance undercover probe."   This person has since been caught doing the same thing on two other occasions, but is still frequently to be seen on the right wing blogs I follow.  Well, given World Net Daily's notion of what truth entails, I guess we can't be surprised that they stand behind this malignant jackass.

Well, there you go.  The main thing that World Net Daily's readers would like to see in the news is more lies.  You'd think they would be getting enough of that to satisfy anyone, right there at home.


M. Bouffant said…
I'm always amused by references to the "Holy Land," as if gawd didn't give a crap about anywhere else.

Let alone applying it to apparently any place w/in 500 miles of Jerusalem that they want to colonize.
Anonymous said…
To quote National Magazine Award winner Gene LyonsL
"(U)nderstand that the honor code according to which journalism allegedly regulates itself applied mainly at the lower levels. Big-time political journalism operates according to celebrity rules. Fake a byline in Des Moines and you're finished. Help start a war by trumpeting cherry-picked and downright fabricated "intelligence," as The New York Times, Washington Post and the same TV networks that promoted Whitewater subsequently did, and win a guest shot on "Meet the Press."

It also helps if Democrats are the victims of your malfeasance. Does anybody think that Dan Rather's ignominious exit from CBS News would have happened had the object of his unverifiable reporting been Barack Obama instead of George W. Bush? Republicans get even; Democrats act as if they believed all that humbug about liberal media bias.

Anyway, I wrote all that to say this: Even compared to the manifest swindles and perversions of the past 20 years or thereabouts, the United States has never seen anything like Fox News. The closest comparison to what Fox does daily would be the party-line propaganda sheets of the far left and extreme right that made Orwell worry "that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."

Recently, the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland released yet another study documenting Americans' lamentable ignorance of public events. It found that regular Fox News viewers were "significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe" many things that are objectively false: the economy is worsening, that most Republicans opposed TARP, that the stimulus contained no tax cuts, that their own income taxes had increased, that most scientists doubt global warming, etc.

A deluded citizenry can't effectively govern itself. Yet complacency and institutional cowardice causes "mainstream" media to play along with the fiction that Fox News is an ordinarily craven, celebrity-driven news organization.

People, we're in deep trouble."
Anonymous said…
To quote National Magazine Award winner Gene Lyons:

"Republicans get even; Democrats act as if they believed all that humbug about liberal media bias.

Even compared to the manifest swindles and perversions of the past 20 years or thereabouts, the United States has never seen anything like Fox News. The closest comparison to what Fox does daily would be the party-line propaganda sheets of the far left and extreme right that made Orwell worry "that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."

Recently, the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland released yet another study documenting Americans' lamentable ignorance of public events. It found that regular Fox News viewers were "significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe" many things that are objectively false: the economy is worsening, that most Republicans opposed TARP, that the stimulus contained no tax cuts, that their own income taxes had increased, that most scientists doubt global warming, etc.

A deluded citizenry can't effectively govern itself. Yet complacency and institutional cowardice causes "mainstream" media to play along with the fiction that Fox News is an ordinarily craven, celebrity-driven news organization.

People, we're in deep trouble."
Leslie Parsley said…
A sad state of affairs. Think I'll start a new blog called, "You Lie."

Grung_e_Gene said…
Conservatives are horrible evil people. They dutifully absorb any lie propagated by their Republican Masters and when that lie is demonstrably proven false (ACORn and "Climategate" they don't care because the original lie sticks in the brains of conservatives forever, creating this alternate-history which conservatives gladly dip their evil hands into...
Alex Kasdan said…
Our family with four children has been persecuted by the Department of Children and Family Services LA County for the last 12 months based on manufactured evidence. The criminal activities of the DCFS are endorsed and supported by the Dependency Court. Our children, all under the age of 11, have been in 6 foster homes and 5 school systems in the last 12 months, my business is ruined and my wife is on the verge of total emotional breakdown. DCFS is corrupt and money-driven. I would not have believed that something like this was possible in the USA.
Alex Kasdan said…
Our family with four children has been persecuted by the Department of Children and Family Services LA County for the last 12 months based on manufactured evidence. The criminal activities of the DCFS are endorsed and supported by the Dependency Court. Our children, all under the age of 11, have been in 6 foster homes and 5 school systems in the last 12 months, my business is ruined and my wife is on the verge of total emotional breakdown. DCFS is corrupt and money-driven. I would not have believed that something like this was possible in the USA.

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