Wingnut Wrapup

The last load of garbage for the year. Yes, Green Eagle never sleeps (more than 14 or 15 hours a day, on average) when it comes to rooting out right wing lunacy:

Ted Nugent: "I think that Barack Hussein Obama should be put in jail. It is clear that Barack Hussein Obama is a communist. Mao Tse Tung lives and his name is Barack Hussein Obama. This country should be ashamed. I wanna throw up."

Ted, Green Eagle wants to throw up, too. Not for the same reason, no.

Hogan, Red State: "40 Republicans May Be a Temporary Blessing"

Right on there, Hogan. 30 or 35 would be even better. And dare we hope for the ultimate blessing? That would be zero Republicans.

Confederate Yankee: "Our President risked his own safety, the safety of his family, his friends and the lives of the Secret Service staff for an impromptu dash across the island so that a friend could attend to a very minor injury.

I wonder if local police officers placed their lives on the line to race out in front and provide security.

Nobody elected Erik Whitaker, or his son. Barack Obama put God-knows how many lives at risk and abused his office to spare his friend a few minutes of travel time and uncertainly... all for a trifling boo-boo."

I wonder how many secret service officers risked contracting rabies, pulling the pretzel out of Bush's throat.

The Reverend Grant Swank, Renew America: "Remember: Muslims lie for the Koran's Allah. They deceive for the same. They dish out opportunistic promises. Obama is following his Islamic catechism lessons to a T.

Obama, a Koran devotee, will continue to manage Islam World Rule in every mode possible as the grassroots wonders how to rid the nation of its Chief Enemy."

Reverend, ever read the ten commandments? I'm particularly wondering if you remember the one about bearing false witness. "Muslims lie for the Koran's Allah," huh? I guess Muslims aren't the only ones who were given permission by God to lie.

World Net Daily: "Tea-party leaders are delivering a bold ultimatum to all congressional candidates in 2010: Pledge to repeal the health-care reform bill in its entirety if it passes – or you will be booted from office."

After the politicians that suckered the teabaggers take two thirds of their money. Then, they'll worry about what the teabaggers think they want. Maybe.

Jim Geraghty, National Review Online: "What Time calls “The Decade from Hell” began with an evil act of mass murder, but it followed with a pushback from the forces of civilization and justice."

No, it followed with seven more years of blustering incompetence from the worst president ever. That's what made it the decade from hell, Jim. I know you want to forget that, but not this time, buddy.

Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal: "Forget greed. That was just an artifact, a side show. More than anything, the 1980s freed Americans to do the one thing they love to do above all else: create."

Create a depression.

Larry Elder, Town Hall: "Unrest in Iran: The Vindication of George W. Bush"

I see, Larry. He turned half of Iraq over to Shiite clerics allied with the Iranian Mullahs. That really hurt the Iranians, didn't it? That sure vindicated his belligerent stupidity for all to see. right? I mean, he made those mullahs quake in their boots when they saw him fail in a country one third the size of Iran, with no viable army. When he devastated any Iraqi Sunni opposition to the Iranians. That sure taught those mullahs a lesson, yes sir.

Tom Blumer, Pajamas Media: "Economic Rebound? What Economic Rebound?"

Oh, I don't know, maybe the one that has seen new unemployment claims at the lowest level in eighteen months, a massive stock market rally, signs of increased industrial output and a stabilization of home prices in many parts of the country. Maybe that's the economic rebound we are talking about. What do you think, Tom? Could that be the answer to your question?

Pam Meister, Pajamas Media: "Obama's Shameful Handling of National Security Issues- A cool and aloof president isn’t what we need right now."

Oh no, Pam. What we need now is another blustering liar in a fighter pilot costume. Because it worked so well the last time.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Full-Body Scanners Won’t Protect Passengers from Ass Bombs"

Thanks for that contribution to our terrorism discussion, Jim. Next time, maybe you could provide us with some detailed technical analysis about dick bombs. Or maybe next time you could just shut up. How about it, Jim? Give us a break for once.

Erik Rush, World Net Daily: "Whether the individual far-left zealot in America is stupid, deluded or evil, the end game shall play out in the same manner: It will result in a society in which an unproductive, mediocre, larcenous few squeeze everyone else for their profit and pleasure."

You mean Wall Street? We already tried that under you guys. It didn't work. You'd like to forget that, wouldn't you, Erik.

Andrew Thomas, American Thinker: "Do we need an American Putin?"

Andrew seems to think that might be a pretty good idea. Andrew, Have you forgotten this column from your own website just a couple of days ago?

James Lewis, American Thinker: "Is Stalinism Back?"

Really, who the hell needs Putin when we already have Stalin?


Obama: one year in, two attacks, civilian deaths 0.
Bush and Cheney: one year in, two attacks*, civilian deaths 3,000

Just saying.

By the way, I didn't notice that the underpants bomber was that successful. Unless you count burning the hell out of your privates to be a tremendous victory for Al Qaida. Maybe our wingnut bloggers could strike back by giving themselves some severe Cheeto burns.

Enough for one year already. Happy New Year.

* Remember the Anthrax attacks?


"Ted, Green Eagle wants to throw up, too. Not for the same reason, no."

Too much absinthe?

"And dare we hope for the ultimate blessing? That would be zero Republicans."

And zero democrats. Only smart people. Huzzah.

"I wonder how many secret service officers risked contracting rabies, pulling the pretzel out of Bush's throat.

Lol. That was actually funny.

"Create a depression."

Create wealth. The 1970s, and more so the 1990s, freed the government to create a depression.

"maybe the one that has seen new unemployment claims at the lowest level in eighteen months,"

Yet unemployment is still around 10%.

"stabilization of home prices in many parts of the country."

With the new increases in the security ceiling for fannie and freddie (your dem's best buddies) we can expect another housing bubble to pop in the near future.

"What we need now is another blustering liar in a fighter pilot costume."

We have a blustering liar, just not in a fighter pilot uniform. Need be I'm sure Obama can arrange the photo op.

"You mean Wall Street"

Nope, those are the folks making money and jobs, should you allow them to do so. The government strangles prosperity.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, You're so cute when you spout Republican talking points.
Derek said…
"You're so cute when you spout Republican talking points."

Is that what they are calling the truth now?
Green Eagle said…
No, it's what they are calling right wing lies.

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