The Face of Defeat

Here is a collection of the whining, self-delusion, hypocrisy, accusations of Democratic corruption for daring to assemble 60 votes to pass legislation, smears, lies, and all of the other standard Republican ploys which I found today, on my usual right wing websites, in response to the apparent imminent passage of some sort of health care bill. The list is so long (for one day!) that I am just going to reprint it without my usual sarcastic comments. I don't even expect you to read your way through the whole list. I just want you to see the magnitude of filth that we are fighting against.

Town Hall: "Dem Sen: Opponents of Health Bill Are Birthers, Right-Wing Militias, Aryan Groups- Shock video: Liberal politician characterizes conservatives as racists."
Roger Schlesinger, Town Hall: "Time Has Not Run Out!"
Meredith Turney, Town Hall: "Bribing and Blackmailing for Historic Change"
Erick Erickson, Red State: "From my vantage point, the GOP threw in the towel in the beginning- They chose to message, not to fight."
Dan Perrin, Red State: "Lowry: Five Reasons ObamaCare may not Pass, plus four more"
Hogan, Red State: "Yes, this Christmas, the American people face a tyrannical Congress and narcissistic President hell bent on forcing upon them - over their clear opposition - a healthcare bill..."
BS (how appropriate,) Red State: "A quick search of the Interwebs for the term “political suicide” will return a significant number of stories on the pending Democrat-pushed healthcare “reform” legislation and their seemingly inexplicable political death spiral."
Erick Erickson, Red State: "If you oppose health care deform, you are a racist, hate-spouting, Aryan who roots for the assassination of Barack Obama"
Confederate Yankee: "All I Want Is A Byrd Dropping For Christmas...It isn't too much to ask for Byrd to step off for that great klavern in the sky before the Senate vote that may force this nation to accept government-rationed health care. Even a nice coma would do."
Matt Patterson, Pajamas Media: "The Socialist Revolution Has Come to America"
Ron Radosh, Pajamas Media: "The way (halth care reform) is being rammed through Congress is not how the world’s greatest democracy should get its business accomplished."
Roger Kimball, Pajamas Media: "The Historic Health Care Capitulation- Mitch McConnell got it right: “The history that’s being made here is the ignoring of the will of the American people.”
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Harry Reid Opens Mouth- Lies… Says $1.2 Billion in Sweetheart Deals Were Not Sweetheart Deals"
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Lindsey Graham: Seedy Chicago Politics Passed Health Care Bill"
John Boehner: "“The American people have rejected the Democrats’ government-run approach to health care loudly and clearly, and it’s time to scrap Senator Reid’s bill and start over...Democrats are attempting to sneak the bill through before Christmas in the hopes the American people aren’t watching what they’re doing."
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Harry Reid Plays Class Card Following Historic Vote to Ram Obamacare Through Senate "
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Democrats voted unanimously to ram Obamacare through the US Senate last night."
James Hirsen, Newsmax: "Rock The Vote Sinks to New Lows for Obamacare"
Lowell Ponte, Newsmax: "Better Watch Out, Santa: Obamacare Could Kill You"
Madeline Crabb, Renew America: "Obamacare--the fix is in"
Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Obama & Senate Christmas present to we-the-people: enslavement"
World Net Daily: "GOP's Coburn: ' This process is not legislation. This process is corruption'- Democrats advance heath legislation in push for Christmas-week passage"
Fox News: "Critics charge Nelson with 'cornhusker kickback'- Senator's change of heart on health care follows millions pledged to Nebraska"
American Thinker: "Samuelson: healthcare reform a 'Nightmare for Obama'
National Review Online: "Can Stupak Save the Dems?"
Byron York, Washington Examiner: "Who's responsible for the Senate's middle-of-the-night vote?"

One day's output on one issue. Pretty amazing, huh?


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