Tom Friedman- Dumber than a Post

From his column which, for some utterly unknown reason, the New York Times has seen fit to publish for the last several thousand years, despite his never having been right about a damned thing in all that time:

"To me, the most important reason for the Iraq war was never W.M.D. It was to see if we could partner with Iraqis to help them build something that does not exist in the modern Arab world: a state, a context, where the constituent communities — Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds — write their own social contract for how to live together without an iron fist from above."

Tom, there is a word for that statement. The word is "lie."

Don't you remember telling us that we needed to go over there and tell the Iraqis to "suck on this?" That's not partnering, it's military aggression. That's what you really believed in back then. So don't try to tell us different, you self-important jerk. We've got long memories, and when they fail, we've got the internet.

And really, the person who needs to "suck on this" is you.


Huh. I thought they were done making up new reasons for the Iraq invasion. Silly me.
Green Eagle said…
Well, none of the earlier ones stuck. You don't expect them to just come out and admit they were wrong, do you?
I like to think the best of people. Even idiots.
Green Eagle said…
How has that worked out for you with, say, Dick Cheney or Karl Rove? Sometimes there is no best there.

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