Wingnut Wrapup

They lie- we report- you decide...or more likely, ignore:

Michael Gerson, Town Hall: "Huckabee's Tragic, Reasonable Choice...Of all the deranged criminals in the country, Maurice Clemmons -- granted clemency by then-Gov. Huckabee of Arkansas almost a decade ago -- recently murdered four police officers in Washington state. Seldom has an act of mercy been more publicly or horribly betrayed."

It's okay if you're a Republican. Remember, this was "an act of mercy" resulting from Huckabee's lunatic evangelical beliefs. If a Democrat had done this, it would have been the end of him. Remember Willie Horton? But for a Republican, it's all good.

Michelle Malkin, Town Hall: "The Depths of Demcare Demagoguery...Reid likened Republicans who object to socialized medicine to slave masters, enemies of women's suffrage and Bull Connor."

Pretty much right on there, Michelle. What was your problem with that?

Sandy Rios, Town Hall: "Tiger's Story Has Consequences for Us All"

The consequence being that we have to listen to you smug idiots blabbing about it, apparently forever.

Dan McLaughlin, Red State: "A Kennedy Tries To Tell The Bishops How To Be Catholic"

After the last few years, I think someone needs to explain it to them.

Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugged: "Obama is so transparent, petty and small, he is an embarrassment. O's latest Chicago way payback? ...President Barack Obama nominated Larry Persily, a former aide to ex-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on Wednesday to be federal coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, the White House said."

The mind boggles. Pammy, that's just pathetic.

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Was there a bonus paid on how fast Obama could destroy the USA?"

No, Sher. He did it for the fun. Unlike Bush and Cheney, who did it for the money.

World Net Daily: "'It is breathtaking to watch this'...Rush rips jobs speech by 'immature little kid' Obama"

Really. You get that excited by some stupid slur from Rush Limbaugh. Talk about cheap thrills.

Brian Faughnan, Red State: "Howard Dean: I Love This Compromise, Which I Thought Up, Because it Empowers Bureaucracy & Leads to Single-Payer"

And good for you, Howard.

Erick Erickson, Red State: "Yesterday, in an interview with the St. Petersburg Times, I said in 2010 one of my big targets is the GOP establishment. Yep. It’s being characterized as a civil war. I prefer to think of it as a coup."

I'd stick with civil war if I were you, Erick. The people who think like you really like that idea.

Pammy Geller, Atlas Shrugs: "Obama Abandons Human Rights in Arab/Muslim World- He's a muhammadan, so it's not surprising"

Funny, in the long news story Pammy quoted there was not one word about Obama. Oh well, it takes so little to get little Pammy's lie machine going.

Power Line: "Krauthammer: EPA Totalitarianism May Leave A "Revolution on the Administration's Hands"

I bet he's really worried that an armed insurrection will result from his regulation of greenhouse gases. Give it a try, guys. Let's see whether he's the weak president you claim he is. My guess? He'll smash you like the cockroaches you are.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Shocker… Obama Bashes America During Nobel Acceptance Speech"

And how did he do that? Here's the line Jim quotes:

"America cannot insist that others follow the rules of the road if we refuse to follow them ourselves."

Boy, that's a deplorable sentiment, right? I guess that criticizing hypocrisy is striking a blow against America. Republican America, that is.

Lanny Davis, Newsmax: "Secret Service: First to Take Blame, First to Take a Bullet"

Yeah, but it's you right wingers that are doing all the blaming. We liberals don't care that much. Kind of ironic there, huh? And by the way, I don't think any Secret Service member has ever taken a bullet protecting the president, so the second part of your claim is a crock too.

Sher Zieve, Renew America: "Showing once again that he is, indeed, the dictator-in-Chief, The Obama is threatening to take over Congress of it does not follow his dictates of passing another of his Orwellian programs."

I.e. issuing a regulation. That's his job, Sher. That's what the sane people in this country elected him to do. Deal with it. And how did he threaten to take over Congress? I missed that.

World Net Daily: "'Conservative' candidate says GOP has failed to lead"

You guys lost. Your job is to follow, not lead. Deal with that, too.

Astute Bloggers: "You Know What Would Be Really Ironic? If Obama went to pick up his Peace Prize and came home to find he had a revolution on his hands. He wouldn't see that coming at all, would he?"

No, and neither would anyone else who actually lived on this planet. But go on thinking this way. Everybody loves a dreamer.

Richard Viguere, American Thinker: "Why leaderless Tea Parties are beating the GOP"

Because you guys spent two generations raising up millions of stupid, ignorant, greedy, violent idiots- i.e. teabaggers.

And now for the most pathetic would-be scandal of the day:

World Net Daily: "Acorn-shaped cookies served at White House"

Oh my goodness gracious. Will the perfidy never end?


mastercynic said…
"Tiger's story has consequences for us all." It certainly does! Who can escape the unending media feeding frenzy of this pathetic story of yet another country club Republican being exposed as morally bankrupt. Will it ever end? Will we ever see a meaningful headline again?
mastecynic said…
On the other hand, his choices are certainly more attractive than, say, Clinton's.
Green Eagle said…
Well, he's cuter than Clinton.
Anonymous said…
And richer.

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