Let The Whining Begin- er, Continue

Obamacare- it's only a few hours old, and the wingnuts are already in full whining mode. Here's a sample:

Red State: "The grand Republican strategy to have a vote on Christmas Eve was accomplished at 7:15AM (Eastern) this morning, while most Americans slept - and just like a thief in the night, the Senate has slipped in to your home to steal away your freedom and your right to care for your family as you see fit."

The Grand Republican Strategy apparently consisted of having their defeat occur while we were asleep. Way to go, with the grand strategy thing, guys. By the way, 7:15 AM isn't exactly the middle of the night. Anyway, congratulations on the success of your strategy to set the time of your humiliation.

And by the way, what the Democrats stole was your right to die on the street with no medical care. That's one right that most Americans might willingly give up.

Pammy Geller: "Whatever sick gloss they smear on this monster, "work makes you free," it is a disaster. Obama and his henchmen have declared war on the American people. Welcome to Christmas eve '09."

Good work, Pammy. You are the first one today to manage to compare the health care bill to Auschwitz. It just wouldn't be Christmas without a little Auschwitz from the right.

And now, a special grand grovelling in the cesspool award for projection, for this statement from Pammy:

"When the fascist party passed their nationalized obamacare plan in the middle of the night, I said that it was final proof that the Democrat party does not have one, not one, honest and decent man or woman."

What a girl, huh? By the way, Pammy, do I have to repeat myself here? 7:15 in the morning is not the middle of the night.

Gateway Pundit: "Democrats Ram Obamacare Through Senate 60-39… There Are No Moderates...We’re all socialists now."

If you say so, Mr. Pundit. So you've decided that it's time to join us? No thanks. If there's one thing we "socialists" learned today, it's that we do better without you.

Sarah Palin, poetic as usual: "c tomrrw's Healthcare Takeover vote=the sleeping giant will awaken&action will b takn by"average"Americans as lite shines on big govt growth"

Mybe, Srah=Mybe nt. I guess the sleeping giant doesn't like to have health care when he gets sick. He may feel that way, but I really doubt most Americans are going to agree with him. So, he might as well stay in bed. Or maybe he could spend his time travelling around signing books he didn't write.

World Net Daily: "Senate vote 'wired, stacked, rigged and packed'- John Gizzi: 'The ghost of Lyndon Johnson walked the halls and smiled'

Lyndon Johnson- remember him? He's the guy who brought us the civil rights act and medicare. I see why he was smiling.

World Net Daily: "Senator rips 'shameful' vote wrangling"

Because if there is one thing that is really shameful, it's when Democrats manage to amass enough votes to pass legislation. Only Republicans should be allowed to do that- otherwise how will we ever have another depression?

Rannesh Ponnuru, National Review Online: "This battle isn’t over, and opponents of the legislation could still win."

Yeah, Rannesh, how? Maybe by seceding, or by armed insurrection. Go for it. See where it gets you.

Jonah "Guess Who My Mommy Is" Goldberg, National Review Online: "Obama the outsider hasn’t changed the way Washington works; he’s worked Washington in a way that only an outsider with no respect for the place would dare."

Jonah, let me explain this to you in simple words: after the last eight years of conservative rule, there's not much there to respect. And, if you mean by the phrase "worked Washington," amassing enough votes to pass his legislation, yup, that's what he did. A real crime there, huh?

Listen, I could go on with this all day, but enough is enough; or in this case, too much is enough. Anyway, they're so cute when they whine.


One thing I've always noticed about the republicans GE. Even when they're giving working Americans a good screwing, they still act angry.
Derek said…
"what the Democrats stole was your right to die on the street with no medical care. "

Everyone already had medical care. Nothing like lying on your blog, right GE?

"but I really doubt most Americans are going to agree with him."

Most Americans wanted the bill killed.

"He's the guy who brought us the civil rights act"

the as if it was the only. Note how more Republicans voted for that act than democrats.
Paula said…
Everyone already has medical care? Derek, you are a stupid, lying dick. Is that clear enough for your nearly nonexistent intelligence to grasp?

I'm not going to even go on here about which party is more for civil rights, as you would only find a way to tell some stupid, ignorant lie about that, too.
Derek said…
"Everyone already has medical care"

Go to a public ER and you will be treated. Period. If you can't pay, the govt picks up the tab. Am I the only one who knows this? I wrote about it multiple times months ago.

The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act prevents public hospitals from turning away patients because of cost.

"The Republican Party was not so badly split as the Democrats by the civil rights issue. Only one Republican senator participated in the filibuster against the bill. In fact, since 1933, Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats. In the twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 % of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 % of the votes"


The civil rights act of 1968 was voted "yay" by 80% of Republicans and 60% of Democrats.

The civl rights act of 1964 was voted "yay" by 82% of Republicans and 65% of Democrats.

The only ones lying are you liberals.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, I would like to see you go to the emergency room for an extended series of chemotherapy treatment, or for that matter, for dental or optometry care.

Or for long term high blood pressure or diabetes treatment, or dialysis.

You know this very well, and yet you come on my website and lie your ass off. What kind of an opinion of you do you think that leaves us with?

And you say: "
The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act prevents public hospitals from turning away patients because of cost. " Yes, but again, as you know perfectly well, that doesn't stop them from driving them into bankruptcy when they can't pay the bills.

You are a very dishonest person. And you are apparently happy to live that way.
Derek said…
"Or for long term high blood pressure or diabetes treatment, or dialysis."

All paid for if you cant afford it.

"that doesn't stop them from driving them into bankruptcy when they can't pay the bills."

Ever look into those bankruptcy cases? Usually the people aren't financially stable to begin with nor did they appeal for other options. Aka the people going bankrupt basically did it to themselves. Also note that they often went to private healthcare providers, when they could have just as easily gone to a free clinic or public hospital.
Green Eagle said…
Here is the truth about the civil rights act of 1964. First of all, the bill was introduced and marshalled through both houses of congress by Democrats, and was the result of two Democratic presidents taking the right action.

Now, here are some vote totals:

The House Version:

Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)

Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%)
Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%)
Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%)
Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%)

Notice that in all cases, i.e. Southern Republicans and Democrats and Northern Republicans and Democrats, in both the House and Senate, a greater proportion of Democrats voted for this measure than Republicans. The only thing which pulled the Democrats' percentages down was the fact that so many more Democrats than Republicans represented the Southern States, which were filled with racist whites. At the time of the vote, LBJ said that the Democratic party had given away these voters for a generation, and he was right. They moved en masse to the Republicans, who welcomed them and their attitudes with open arms, thus enabling the reign of idiocy we have seen in the Reagan and Bush administrations.

Once again, Derek, you have used partial or incorrect statistics to misrepresent a clear fact: that despite the likelihood of losing a large part of their southern power base, it was the Democrats that were behind the Civil Rights act from beginning to end. At last, the Republicans, by and large, were shamed into voting for this legislation, but the notion that it was Republicans who were behind civil rights progress is one more ugly lie, intended to rewrite the clear history.
GE state your source because:

By party

The original House version:
Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)

Cloture in the Senate:

Democratic Party: 44-23 (66%-34%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)

The Senate version:

Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:
Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)

"you have used partial or incorrect statistics to misrepresent a clear fact"

You are mixing up the Southern and Northern groups by party. Add together all of the Democrats and all of the Republicans and what is the stat? Exactly what I provided.

i.e house version, democrats:

For: 145+7 = 152
Agains: 87 +9 = 96

tell me, what's 152/(152+96)? [hint: its 61%]
Green Eagle said…

I have been getting comments from other readers that your incessant, mindless repeating of Republican talking points is discouraging them from trying to have any kind of discussion here. I have been really patient with you, but I want to be equally open to other people.

Take the hint, unless you really are nothing but a mindless troll.
Derek said…
"Take the hint, unless you really are nothing but a mindless troll."

I prove my point and you do what? Ad hominem. Face it, Republicans win out on the civil rights debate. They get the gold star. Why does that bother you so much?
Where are all these civil rights supporting republicans at on the gay marriage debate Derek?

The republicans welcomed the bigots. idiots and homophobes into their fold in the 60's. They've been sucking up to them ever since.
Derek said…
"Where are all these civil rights supporting republicans at on the gay marriage debate Derek? "

Gay marriage should be a non-issue, and will be eventually. It always takes a bit for a party to adapt to a new issue. Right now, most on both sides of the aisle are pushing anti-civil rights legislation. To allow marriage is just as bad disallow it. What we should do is remove government from marriage entirely, and only hand out civil unions to everyone, gay or straight. That way, the only ones who can complain are bigots and bigots. The Republican party will have this adopted as their platform in the next couple decades and I have seen the idea pick up steam in recent years.

"The republicans welcomed the bigots."

They welcomed their votes. Note that the whole "republican party is racist because of the southern strategy" argument has been proven false time and time again. I have never seen any evidence of the Republican party being racist, nor have historians and other experts. The South switch was an economic one, not social.
Green Eagle said…
"I have never seen any evidence of the Republican party being racist, nor have historians and other experts."

A total lie as usual, Derek.
Derek said…
"A total lie as usual, Derek."

Nope, I cannot tell a lie. If you want to show me some evidence then I'd be happy to review it with an open mind.

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