Wingnut Wrapup
Yes, there was enough lunacy on the right today to justify an edition of Wingnut Wrapup. They have really been letting us down lately, but every once and a while, they let loose, so here goes- not what I would call a good haul, but not so bad:
John Hawkins, Town Hall: "Five More Amateur Mistakes By the Obama Administration"
Oh, I don't know, let me guess. They invaded the wrong country. They let a great American city drown. They gave all our money to Wall Street criminals. They forgot to do anything about global warming. They made everyone in the world hate us....
Oh, wait. Those weren't "mistakes." They were the carefully calculated results of Conservative policy.
David Limbaugh, Town Hall: "They Call It Fiscal Responsibility; We Call It Socialism"
Yeah, David, but you call everything socialism. Except when some talentless whiner gets a high paying job in the media because of who his brother is.
Debra J. Saunders, Town Hall: "The Inquisition of Global Warming"

You mean like this, Debra? But the inquisition featured torture and religion. I thought that was your favorite combination.
Erick Erickson, Red State: "Amateur Hour at the White House: The State Dinner...This story is now about just how amateurish the White House is."
Unlike the pros that invaded the wrong country and nearly caused a depression. I think I'll stick with the amateurs this time around.
Confederate Yankee: "Another Leftist-Motivated Cop-Killing in the Northwest?"
Because an incorrigible career criminal let loose by an evangelical Republican governor because of the criminal's alleged belief in evangelical Christianity, must be a leftist ideologue like, say, Al Gore, right? He probably got the money for the gun from George Soros.
Frank J. Fleming, Pajamas Media: "The Real Reason Liberals Hate Us...It's not because of how we inhibit them politically that the left despises us; they hate us for our freedom."

Here's Frank's picture from this article. Frank, I think people hate you because they are afraid you are going to bite them and give them rabies.
Bruce Bawer, Pajamas Media: "What Kind of People Could Give a Nobel Peace Prize to Obama?"
Oh, I don't know...Norwegians? That's my guess.
Oops, I was wrong. It turns out that they are terrorist lovers. Who knew? I guess nothing says "peace" like loving terrorists.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "When 'consensus' doesn't count"
When "consensus" doesn't agree with Joseph Farah. That's when it doesn't count. Surprised by that?
World Net Daily: "GOP's Joe Wilson: 'We win, they lose'- Congressman praises new 'greatest generation' serving in U.S. military"
The perfect answer to our nation's problems- a mixture of infantile hostility and jingoistic exploitation of our troops. It worked so well for Rumsfeld.
Christopher Chantrill, American Thinker: "Palin and the Future- No wonder the liberals hate her. The whole point of public education, of business regulation, or rampant credentialism is to smother people like her before they have a chance to get anywhere."
Public education exists to smother people. Green Eagle has reported on those alleged train cars full of guillotines waiting for us...any day now we are going to be terrified by stories about train cars full of pillows, on their way to elementary schools everywhere.
By the way, does anyone have a clue what "rampant credentialism" is? Is that like, if you actually know something about the subject, you have to shut up until Joe the Plumber is done explaining everything?
John Hawkins, Town Hall: "Five More Amateur Mistakes By the Obama Administration"
Oh, I don't know, let me guess. They invaded the wrong country. They let a great American city drown. They gave all our money to Wall Street criminals. They forgot to do anything about global warming. They made everyone in the world hate us....
Oh, wait. Those weren't "mistakes." They were the carefully calculated results of Conservative policy.
David Limbaugh, Town Hall: "They Call It Fiscal Responsibility; We Call It Socialism"
Yeah, David, but you call everything socialism. Except when some talentless whiner gets a high paying job in the media because of who his brother is.
Debra J. Saunders, Town Hall: "The Inquisition of Global Warming"

You mean like this, Debra? But the inquisition featured torture and religion. I thought that was your favorite combination.
Erick Erickson, Red State: "Amateur Hour at the White House: The State Dinner...This story is now about just how amateurish the White House is."
Unlike the pros that invaded the wrong country and nearly caused a depression. I think I'll stick with the amateurs this time around.
Confederate Yankee: "Another Leftist-Motivated Cop-Killing in the Northwest?"
Because an incorrigible career criminal let loose by an evangelical Republican governor because of the criminal's alleged belief in evangelical Christianity, must be a leftist ideologue like, say, Al Gore, right? He probably got the money for the gun from George Soros.
Frank J. Fleming, Pajamas Media: "The Real Reason Liberals Hate Us...It's not because of how we inhibit them politically that the left despises us; they hate us for our freedom."

Here's Frank's picture from this article. Frank, I think people hate you because they are afraid you are going to bite them and give them rabies.
Bruce Bawer, Pajamas Media: "What Kind of People Could Give a Nobel Peace Prize to Obama?"
Oh, I don't know...Norwegians? That's my guess.
Oops, I was wrong. It turns out that they are terrorist lovers. Who knew? I guess nothing says "peace" like loving terrorists.
Joseph Farah, World Net Daily: "When 'consensus' doesn't count"
When "consensus" doesn't agree with Joseph Farah. That's when it doesn't count. Surprised by that?
World Net Daily: "GOP's Joe Wilson: 'We win, they lose'- Congressman praises new 'greatest generation' serving in U.S. military"
The perfect answer to our nation's problems- a mixture of infantile hostility and jingoistic exploitation of our troops. It worked so well for Rumsfeld.
Christopher Chantrill, American Thinker: "Palin and the Future- No wonder the liberals hate her. The whole point of public education, of business regulation, or rampant credentialism is to smother people like her before they have a chance to get anywhere."
Public education exists to smother people. Green Eagle has reported on those alleged train cars full of guillotines waiting for us...any day now we are going to be terrified by stories about train cars full of pillows, on their way to elementary schools everywhere.
By the way, does anyone have a clue what "rampant credentialism" is? Is that like, if you actually know something about the subject, you have to shut up until Joe the Plumber is done explaining everything?
They can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with, they absolutely will not stop, ever, until...
That's where Green Eagle comes in.