Nice Work, Guys- And No, We're Not Going to Forget

From a NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll about the Bush administration (via Think Progress:)

"37% said it lost ground on the environment, 46% said it lost ground on health and well being, 50% said it lost ground on peace and national security, 54% said lost ground on the nation’s sense of unity, 55% said it lost ground in treating others with respect, 66% said it lost ground on moral values, and a whopping 74% said it lost ground on economic prosperity."

Nice job, guys.

Of course Republicans are out there desperately trying to rewrite history, and make people think Obama is responsible for all of this. Remember Dana Perino a few weeks ago claiming that no terrorist attacks occurred on U. S. soil during the Bush administration? Or Karl Rove running all over the place to claim that the Bush administration had no responsibility for the current budget deficits?

They've tried this before. Decades of unremitting lies have succeeded in blotting out, in many people's minds, the truth about the Vietnam war, the economic disaster created by the Reagan administration, and even the colossal military failure we experienced in Iraq.

The country has paid a horrible price because so many liberals stood idly by and allowed these people to whitewash the disasters created by the followers of conservative ideology. Let's try to see that it doesn't happen again.


Derek said…
That was on yrs 2000 to now, not the Bush administration.

Nice work.
Green Eagle said…
Oh, I see, Derek. So Obama is equally responsible for the Iraq catastrophe, the economic collapse, the pollution of the justice department, the torture, the destruction of New Orleans, etc.

Forget it. Read my post again- we're not putting up with that kind of lying crap any more. Conservatism has now been conclusively demonstrated, by the conservatives themselves, to be an absolute failure on every level. As if anyone thought that an ideology based totally on greed and hate was really capable of solving any of our problems.
"for the Iraq catastrophe"

You mean the Iraq success? Last time I checked things are going dandy and their government is taking more and more responsibility. The Anbar awakening and the troop surge in 2006 can be given credit.

"he economic collapse, "

Our current turmoil is in many ways due to his inability to receive a passing grade in Econ 101. Also, Bush did nothing to cause the recession, all you've given me was "he cut taxes!".

"pollution of the justice department"

It's been polluted since the 70s.

"the torture"

What torture? Abu Ghraib was the soldiers' fault. If you are talking Gitmo, that isn't defined as torture under any convention or treaty.

"the destruction of New Orleans"

. . . you are blaming Bush for a hurricane?

"Conservatism has now been conclusively demonstrated, by the conservatives themselves, to be an absolute failure on every level."

Maybe it will be a surprise to you when I tell you that Bush wasn't a conservative.

"ideology based totally on greed and hate was really capable of solving any of our problems."

Yes, a wish to protect everyone's freedoms and to allow Americans to make their own decisions clearly translates to "green and hate"
Green Eagle said…
"Maybe it will be a surprise to you when I tell you that Bush wasn't a conservative."

Here we go again, Derek. I still haven't met a conservative who will take responsibility for the consequences of his behavior, and you are no different.
" I still haven't met a conservative who will take responsibility for the consequences of his behavior, and you are no different."

I'll take responsibility for conservative behavior. Bush's overspending, his wishy washy Constitutional logic, and his disregard for sovereignty I won't take responsibility for. Why? Because those aren't conservative actions.

I'll take responsibility for deregulation, cutting taxes, and social issues. That and upped military spending.
Green Eagle said…
"Maybe it will be a surprise to you when I tell you that Bush wasn't a conservative."

Yes he was. He's a lying scum serving the corporate elite and willing to say anything to get what they want. That's what a conservative is, Derek. You conservatives can't run away from your record that easily.

"I'll take responsibility for deregulation, cutting taxes, and social issues. That and upped military spending."

So, you will take responsibility for out of control deficits, two depressions, years of suckering the ignorant on irrelevant issues that your leaders don't really give a damn about, and spending trillions on useless military hardware for no purpose but to funnel money to Republican campaign contributors, while failing to provide adequate supplies for troops in the field or adequate medical care when they are injured, all the while exposing them to death so they can be used as pawns in your jingoistic, cynical political manipulation.

A record to be proud of, Derek, but no more than we expect of you.
Derek said…
"He's a lying scum serving the corporate elite and willing to say anything to get what they want. That's what a conservative is, Derek."

That's how you identify people as conservatives, your oddball view of evil = conservative. Anything good is liberal. Why not take a look at their actions and ask yourself "is this more government, or less government? is this a conservative value, or more of a liberal one?" You don't because you'd have quite a few more idiots in your category of liberal and a lot more good people in the conservative pile.

"So, you will take responsibility for out of control deficits, two depressions, years of suckering the ignorant on irrelevant issues that your leaders don't really give a damn about, and spending trillions on useless military hardware for no purpose but to funnel money to Republican campaign contributors, while failing to provide adequate supplies for troops in the field or adequate medical care when they are injured, all the while exposing them to death so they can be used as pawns in your jingoistic, cynical political manipulation.

Not for the deficits, more than 50% of the budget was entitlement spending.

two recessions, the first caused by the dot com burst (preBush mind you), then the second caused my excessive government regulation, so no, I won't. I'll actually take credit for saying I told you so about the stimulus which hasn't worked.

"and spending trillions on useless military hardware for no purpose but to funnel money to Republican campaign contributors, "

We didn't spend trillions over Bush's entire term. The total military hardware was in the hundreds of billions, not in the trillions. But sure, except they served a purpose that wasn't funneling money to Republican contributors (ever look into who Democrats get their money from?)

Check your "facts" and try to see things how they are for once. Read an intro political science book on American politics.

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