Justice Thomas, Worthless Idiot

Sonya Sotomayor wrote her first Supreme Court decision, on a minor case. From the New York Times:

"Justice Thomas took a swipe at his new colleague, saying she had “with a sweep of the court’s pen” substituted “value judgments” and “what the court thinks is a good idea” for the text of a federal law."

That is not a judicial opinion, Clarence. It is just a regurgitation of the smears that the right tried to use to keep this moderate justice off the bench, and which it routinely trots out to oppose all liberals everywhere.

Clarence, you are a shame on the court and this country.


Poll P. said…
Once a bigoted, sexist,racist, sell-out always an etc. Thomas lost all claim to be treated with respect long long before he made it onto the court.
Green Eagle said…
Republicans claim to be so devoted to the constitution and the intent of its writers. The fact that they continue to excuse Thomas' performance on the bench shows that this is just one more in their long line of jingoistic, self-serving lies.

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